Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Continuing A Legacy: TV5 and Cignal's "Bilang Pilipino 2022 Election Coverage"

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Election coverage has started and the folks at TV5 and Cignal are no stranger to that. Together with a formidable roster of broadcasters, they have launched Bilang Pilipino 2022 in their different mediums Radyo5, 92.3 News FM, highly popular Interaksyon, The Philippine Star and BusinessWorld among others.

For starters, is the Presidential series called "Kandidatalks" which they've done with Go Negosyo (an NGO) wherein they'll talk about Business, Work and Health. It will be moderated by Cheryl Cosim. The series will run from March 21 to 25. It will be replayed from March 26, April 2 and 9 on TV5 at 9PM. If you prefer wathching it earlier, it's going to be seen on One PH Channel 1 at 10:30AM and One Nwews Channel 8/250 for HD at 5:30PM. Go see your presidential candidates on these dates taking on current issues so you get to have an informed vote on May 9th.


They also have a 3 part documentary entitled The Promise Tracker which will be hosted by Cheche Lazaro. It will air on March 26 on One News at 7:30PM and TV5 at 8:30PM. Mon Isberto on the other hand will host Optics: Politics of Perception which will air on One News on March 27 at 6PM. It's going to make you understand how PR works in the elections.

You will also see Hitting the Campaign Trail on April 13th. which is a reality documentary series about how it feels to be on the campaign trail. This will be from reporters who are all with the candidates and will be shown on their channels. They will also have them uploaded on Facebook, YouTube just like their other programs in the channel.


Go Vote Movement Launch

Monday, April 01, 2019

Do you still vote? I do, I deem it one of my rights as a citizen of the Philippines to choose who I see fit as a leader. I exercise that right every time there is an election, because I feel we wouldn’t have rights to complain from government services because we didn’t do it. That is the principle I live by hence I never miss one. It’s sad though that there are tons of Filipinos who do not go out and vote, they have their excuses, but this shouldn’t be the case. The government sets this as a non working holiday, you have the whole day to do it, if you choose not to, that’s not a good thing.

This morning I was at the launch of the GO VOTE MOVEMENT. It’s a non partisan, non governmental organization made up of volunteers who would encourage registered Filipino voters to go out and vote on May 13, 2019. They also are doing it through free voters education all throughout the country. The low turnout of voters always has been a very evident problem and this is the solution they’ve come up with on talks done by MLQU President Jerry Acuzar, former DOJ Undersecretary Erickso Balmes and GVM President and Convenor Atty. Erickson Balmes.

Atty. Irene Chiu says “One of our basic human rights is to partake in elections, we do this by voting. This is our way to tell others who we want to represent us. This is a non partisan, non governmental organization, we are all volunteers here. We invite you to join us in this advocacy, we encourage you to vote, this is not about us, this is about your right, your responsibility for your future.”

Attu. Erickson Balmes says “An educated voter can make a good decision. They will be more participatory in elections, we are lecturing now all over the country to various stakeholders. We advocating transparent elections, hopefully to break records of voter turnout this 2019. We now have been around the country to encourage people to do their duty as citizens, go vote on 2019!”

They have already started these seminars in MLQU last March 14, and continue to do so til now. With their efforts, they wish to see greater participation this year. If you would like to be part of this movement, call 0945 3483784 or email them via


NEWS5 Does “Anti Troll” Campaign

Saturday, February 02, 2019

NEWS5 has always been different, and I think that is impressive. Remember the time they did “B.A.Y.A.W. for President” during the presidential elections? Jun Sabayton became a household name doing fictional stories, parodies directed to educate the Filipino voter and the community as well. B.A.Y.A.W. means “Bagong Alyansang Ayaw sa Walanghiya” was aimed to ridicule traditional politicians and how they’ve fooled pinoys for years, sort of mirror the current situation.

NEWS5 will do this again this 2019 as part od their electoral-advocacy campaign and Bilang Pilipino. NEWS5 will be concentrating on the social media power of Filipinos and what wonders likes, comments and shares does in the eve of proliferation of fake news, fooling much of the populace hook line and sinker. This also includes online trolls and how it has proliferated over the years that spread lies, malicious stories done to mar someones reputation. It’s time to call them out via their 2019 advocacy campaign called #TolWagTroll, Respeto Lang. This is to think twice about how to hone one’s behavior, digital or not.

Stay tuned as NEWS5 showcase #TolWagTroll Rap De-Battles hosted by Raffy Tulfo and PH’s rapper Loonie, Flict-G, J-King, Jonas, Lhip Kram, M Zhayt and Poison 13. Using words through their craft, rap battles will ensue as they dish out their views and opinions, exciting!

You may visit for more information.


TODA One I Love with Ruru Madrid and Kylie Padilla

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I have been watching their early teasers early January and these upcoming shows about elections caught my eye. The show TODA One I Love stars Kylie Padilla and Ruru Madrid who also made their mark during Encantadia where their pairing KyRu started. It begs for a show especially for the fans who seem to have affinity with the teamup, it was bound to happen and it did in this very socially relevant show.

Ruru says “Nagka work ulit kami ni Kylie and I am so happy to see even KYRU fans didn’t give up on us. I do drive bikes and driving tricycles are different, it is heavier and it helped because we have experience. The way we vote in Iglesia is different, we only usually know two days before the elections who we have to vote and the system is different.”

Kylie adds “This is my comeback show and I want someone who has been in a working relationship with me, we already have a following so it is so much easy. I think real change depends on us, whoever leaders are it won’t be good if we do not have that in us. Things that we want to say, I have already said it in my lines on the show. I have experience in driving motorcycles and I had to adjust, I am a little boyish and I had to just over act a bit.”

David Licauco says “It is on people, I believe what Kylie said. My character is not evil, they are both respected leading men, so it is up to her character.”

Gladys Reyes says “We are on a blocked vote in Iglesia and it is a sacred right for us to vote. People spend time to actually learn about the ones we would write on our ballots. This character is very political, all smiles when there are people, but clash when in private so I can play with the character. It is fun to see because it is more situational, dead people, graduation, birthdays, the mayor’s tarpaulins is going to be there. It’s inspired from a mix of different people.”

Kimpoy says “It is a reminder for Filipinos to still instill principles whenever we choose leaders.”

Director Jeffrey Hidalgo says “There will be scenes to be seen especially on issues that happen in real life. It is going to be delivered funny but it is serious. You will get to connect personalities but it is more talked about on scenes, you will fall in love, you will see action, you will see Kimpoy also do drama. This is very grounded, tricycles haven’t been seen on tv to be a lead in the community. The politics, the talk between afternoon moms, it will all be seen. There would be no real politicians in the show because if there is a need to we have characters to do that. Also, politicians won’t be able to campaign and appear as a rule indicated by comelec. It may be TODA but it reflects society as a whole. There is corruption, funds go somewhere, politicians using them, things like that affect us all.”

TODA One I Love will start airing on February 4 on GMA Telebabad and will replace a Korean series.


M&M's Philippines Announces Candydate M&M’S® RED as Winner

Monday, May 30, 2016

This calls for a celebration!

It looks like my candydate RED won the recent candy election with M&M. The candydates undoubted popularity stemmed from it's platform of toughness, smartness, of which most voters actually wanted. We've been steadily campaigning since day 1 and now that he's won, my team mates and I would like to thank all the people that supported us in this endeavor.

After a month long campaign, M&M’S® Red has won the Vote for M&M’S® 2016 best candy elections. He has garnered a whopping 10,243  posts  or  47%  of  the  total  votes. This is up 10% from the previous release of partial election returns a few weeks ago.

On Second place, it's M&M’S® Green who got 32% of total votes or 6,972 posts whilst M&M’S® Yellow on the other hand has got third place with 21% of total votes or 4,547 posts. Good campaigns and the recent miting de avance must have really boosted the confidence of the supporters, in the end it was all about how REDDY you are about leadership, how tough you are in facing issues and taking action whenever needed. This is why RED won and it's a great way to have met tons of people in social media that supported our cause. With that, thank you!

By the way, congratulations also to these winners! You will be contacted by M&M’S® representatives so please make sure you check your social media accounts on how to claim your prize!


For more information about the winning RED M&M:
M&M's Red
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

M&M's Red

TV5 Praised with "Bilang Pilipino" Election Coverage

Monday, May 23, 2016

I know I did, and a bunch of countless Filipinos I know. TV5's coverage is bar none the winner in the recent election coverage. They might have been one of the smallest news crews around but they've planned it well and used technologies so they can stream easily anywhere even with a phone. Aside from that, they heavily used graphics so ordinary people would be able to easily understand what the counts mean, that includes data from previous Presidential elections, and what the transparency server meant for each and everyone who wanted clean elections.

This is the work and synergy of the MVP Group of Companies. TV5 achieved its fast, accurate election results and updates because of them with the backing of the biggest network in the country Smart Communications and PLDT. It became apparent that the use of these technologies and proper planning was the reason why they did great in broadcast, digital, mobile and social media channels. TV5 President and CEO Emmanuel Lorenzana said "This in-depth election coverage was a product of a right goal, team work, intensive planning and preparation. We wanted the coverage to provide intensive information made available across all media. We had appreciation from viewers and netizens because of how fast information including election results was made available both online and via television."

The Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility even lauded them saying it is the clear winner in terms of news and production value. They complemented the ones I appreciated earlier like the voter demographics, voter preference, step-by- step procedures in the election process, exit survey figures and other data-driven pieces which was available most of the time in their channel's display. Mind you they did this in an uninterrupted 48 hour coverage so that really shows dedication. They'll be continuing to provide the best their network could provide. With the powers that be of PLDT, Smart, Voyager, Talas, News5, News5Everywhere, Interaksyon, The Philippine Star and Business World, you'll get the information fast and effective until June 30 when President Digong comes in.

Stay tuned for TV5's Bilang Pilipino coverage, as I will too!

For more information about their news:
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website


Thursday, June 09, 2011

America voted for the Green M&M's (Why would you vote for something just because it's voted by the Americans right?! STOP COLONIAL MENTALITY!), New Zealand voted for the Blue one (Same thing! Need I say it again?!)...

If you vote RED you'll also get a chance to win


You can also get to win


in the draws to be held twice a week!

All you have to do is





Third Day of Elections

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Philippine Elections is not done yet. This will be the third day. Then again, the other presidential aspirants conceded already. The only one left is ex president Erap Estrada who refuse to give up because he says he doesn't know where these votes came from. All these are encrypted and not configured that way obviously and someone has got to teach him a lesson about automation and where the information is coming from, otherwise please give him a handbook for STATISTIC WINNING FOR DUMMIES.

I don't know about what will happen in the next few months but the gentlemen who did concede said that they will help Noynoy run this government. We kinda need all the help we can get obviously. If these guys who promised so much in the election do all the deed they mentioned then this would really be a better country. Why do they have to win the election just to do it right?!

Though the actual swearing in of the Philippine President will be in June I hope they take extra measures to take care of themselves. Politics in the Philippines is so dirty and its not going to be normal if no one attempts to kill you. So, what's your wishes if the Noynot Binay combo happens?!


I Voted! =)

Monday, May 10, 2010

After 4 grueling hours staying in line grimacing in the hot scorching sun and the stench of poor people around me it was quite a relief I got to vote in less than 10 minutes.

Who did I vote?! Ahmmm I think it would be better to keep mum about it. I've got friends who did not vote for them so I'll keep my itchy fingers shut LOL. There is something that we call etiquette and I choose to still do that unlike other star bloggers that I know who went ahead and did bash some candidates unlike their own candidate how IRONIC.

Oh and if ever my readers from the province of ROMBLON is thinking of someone to vote for, I'd recommend Alykhan "BONBON Fernandez for councilor. He's a really good guy even when we were in high school and I'd vouch for him. You know when you have friends you can count on in times of trouble right?! He's just like that... and the guy breathes on spending his days serving his people... please vote for him! Thanks!

As for the other Senators who did not deserve my vote, please work on it. Even the one who got jailed after they held hostages in Oakwood is running for Senate, OMAYGAD what's wrong with this country! If that guy wins I'd probably run a campaign against him. How can a criminal run for a Senate seat?! That is just crazy!


Be Counted! Vote Now!

Lend me your ears and eyes if that maybe applicable in this entry. Tomorrow is election day where we all choose our President in this God forsaken country. Everyone in this world deserve a chance to change and so this Monday May 10 2010 go out and vote for your President, Vice President, 12 Senators, Congressman, Mayor, Vice Mayor and 6 Councilors. Your local and national government units need to be represented by the change you want to happen.

I am voting only a few Senators but I hope its worth it. I don't want to see those soldiers from the Oakwood Mutiny win. That would be just so wrong if they get a post in the government. That would be just the time to migrate and live elsewhere (probably out of this planet too) if they win.

TV stations are on 24 hour watch right now and they are covering elections in Metro Manila and all the other major provinces too. Some inserts indicate that there are remote areas that do not have ballot boxes yet. What makes me really be humiliated is the people watching from Finland stayed up late till the wee hours of the morning only to see that there are no ballot boxes on the precint that they randomly selected. That is just frustrating! But I hope people won't go nervous on the elections still, we need this more than they do.

I want to vote now... actually since I am going home already Id probably be going to the barangay hall and do some video blogging. I don't know where it will be done or if it is allowed but hey, I'll be on the line as soon as it opens! Can't wait!


Election High Blood

Friday, May 07, 2010

I really do not like people who dictate and tell other people they are stupid if they don't go with their vote. But I kinda think they have freedom to write whatever they want on their blog. They say their candidate is all nice but they themselves do the SMEAR campaign versus the other candidate, that is just so low for a lady to tell.

Anyway, I still like her blog.

As for this election, what happened in Marinduque was appalling. Imagine the delivery truck just got bombed while in transit. Soldiers and civilians are there and probably got hurt just for these PICOS machines to be delivered. If this happens again while the compact flash cards are in transit today, I'm pretty sure they won't be able to do the tests come Saturday or Sunday as they initially planned.

A lot of problems are arising in this election. People are so nervous about technology. They want everything to be perfect even if this is the first time we're doing this election here. I just say its not right to complain too much on something so simple. It's like betting on a lotto outlet for crying out loud. If that were hard then the stores for these games should be closed as they are demanding it to be.

It's not perfect. It's new. We have to be optimistic. Politicians and people are nervous because they couldn't cheat anymore. Your days are numbered. So go to your precincts and make that vote count, else, don't complain on the next government okay?!


Hate Them All!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Okay. I'm saying sorry to my self for spending a thousand bucks again drinking out with buddies from other companies. I hate it when I work out and waste it gaining calories back again in just a single sitting. Beer plus fatty food is equal to diet's epic fail. I am not in the mood to go working out again tomorrow. I need a lot of things fixed.

I am going to finish my reports tomorrow so we can get that on line and screened. After that I'll try to see if I can bring clothes for gym, if I don't pack that up around 9:30PM I'll end up going home and get some sleep.

Darn political ads ringing in my ear, how can I get some sleep in the afternoon when it's hot outside and the darn hypnotic sounds of that creepy presidentiable plays on tv all the time! sheesh!

I wanna turn Resident Evil and kill those F@#*&^%#^ candidates!


US President Barack Obama : YES WE CAN!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

President Barack Obama and Vice President elect Joe Biden
Photos by AP and CNN

See the blue states here that went all the way for President Barack Obama in the elections, no wonder he overwhelmingly won the elections! I was a skeptic this morning because when I was running on my treadmill, there were about 3 states being counted and it was showing McCain on the lead. I together with about 6 CNN anchors were asking "we never saw it this close". Then again, when I went home and had my bowl of oatmeal the results from other states came in and NEVER did I see McCain lead again. The CNN reporters even did analyze known Republican states were swinging to Obama at that time.

Since he already passed 270 (the magic number you need to win) they went ahead and celebrated in Chicago. There were about 125,00 supporters that frolicked a slightly cold evening in the windy city. Even Rev. Jessie Jackson was there to celebrate. Though the mood was ecstatic, when the speech came... it looked like Obama was calming everyone down instead of celebrating... I thought about that too... peoples expectations might have been a little too high. They need everyone's help in working for that "CHANGE" he promised in day 1 of his campaigns. I just wished he also mentioned Asia... I never heard him mention it in any of his speeches... to think he's even from Indonesia you know?! and btw, his middle name is Hussein I think... =/

Obama wins by a large margin, he only needed 270 to win but it looks like a whopping 338 here! ^_^ He is the first African American President of the United States of America
