Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts

The Obama - McCain Presidential Debate

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Buddies Obama and McCain =) Lolz!

Obama's and McCains... who do you think won this debate? =)
(Photos by AP and Reuters)

I and about millions of people around the world watched the debate of Senator Obama from Illinois and Senator McCain from Florida. I was at the gym (Fitness First), lifting weights and running around as usual... apart from trying to keep my tummy smaller, I watched how these two punch themselves with issues at hand. Everybody wanted to hear their plans about the economy. The analysts from CNN did not leave them alone one bit, while everybody else had their own opinion on the matter and how McCain should deal with this face off... as they say, he's the one who would want to gain from this.

Did he succeed? According to the polls there, he didn't! and in my books he did not gain anything from doing that debate. You know the feeling of having a traditional politician telling you his plans? (it sounded like a tape recorder) and like when he tried to approach that ol' guy in the stands it was not really sincere as I've seen it... (he asked about what they would do to retired people to keep their homes while facing the economic crisis) it was even like "scripted" for him... maybe choosing his own words was dangerous for him as it became insincere. I bet yah he didn't do well in the ratings... I saw those squiggly lines off the debate and it ranged higher when Obama spoke to the public. He on the other hand was calm and collected, I guess confidence was his key.

By more than a 2-1 margin, 65 percent to 28 percent, more people said they found Obama more likable than McCain during the debate. The discussion of an energy bill McCain offered up a two-word phrase that drew a quick reaction from the Obama camp: "You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one," McCain said, pointing to the Senator from Illinois. I think that part was uncalled for and somewhat a little bit personally offensive.

Who do you think won it? Keep em comments coming!


The Biden - Palin Vice Presidential Debate ; Aftermath

Friday, October 03, 2008

Biden and Palin shake it away with all that teeth!
(photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Well after four scores and a few years ago, there has not been any Vice Presidential debates on the tube. I was one of the millions of people who stood by the gym [Hiya Fitness First! (^_^) ] and watched the Biden - Palin head to head combat a while ago and one thing for sure happened, I kinda noticed people changed minds over Palin.

I like that part where she said, "CAN I CALL YOU JOE!?" lolz..

Of course Biden won this overwhelmingly, he stood by attacks to McCain instead of Palin directly (well yeah because he might have thought that would be a better choice to bash who!) and you know what happened? Palin also painstakingly attacked Obama's platforms as well. Something similar but not quite, Biden has proven his point and clearly won this round. The deal with Palin though is that she really exceeded expectations, not just of her own party but of the Democrats as well. I'm not saying the said expectations were HIGH... I'm just saying that some people said things before hand but they somewhat thought she had something to put on the table after this debate. The inexperience showed, but the charm may have had wonders for her. Iraq and the economy was mostly what was talked about... they sought to murder McCain and Obama's plan of action. In my honest opinion, nobody succeeded. Sen. Joe Biden even gave restraint in his performance on Thursday night's vice presidential debate (he could have done more but maybe he thought he did not need to), while Gov. Sarah Palin tried so hard show that her accomplishments as governor and mayor prove she is qualified for the job. I hope this turns out to be a close fight between the Republicans and Democrats come the day of election. US really is one example of a working democracy. How I wish politics at home turn out this way also, stick to politics and get real (not to undermine not making it a business!).


US Republican VP bet Sarah Palin's 17yo daughter pregnant

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Photo above is the father of the kid. Pic below is Palin and McCain. Goodluck!
Photo by Huffington Post

"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents," Sarah Palin said in a statement.

Well there goes the Republican ticket! We may or may not think that this will affect the whole picture but who's fooling who. Our family is the reflection of who we are. Our kids and how we raise them reflects how good we parents are. <<< I think that is the statement they would probably be afraid of.. aside from losing the election I don't think there would be any problems after that. The father by the way of the kid is Levi Johnston... which as of press quoted in his myspace account..... claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids." << now that's ironic...good luck Republicans! That is one big " DAMAGE CONTROL!". Things that may have "sealed their fate as well".

OBAMA - BIDEN, McCAIN - PALIN ; Who will win? ----m(O_O)m---

Monday, September 01, 2008

Will it be Obama and Biden?

Or McCain and Palin? You choose!

ere's my 2 cents on the candidates for the US Presidential race... between the Democrats and the Republicans I will put my chips on the Democrats... Obama and Biden had the most comprehensive and complete package AFAIK. Obama getting internal country matters taken cared of with Biden getting the job with his large experience on foreign policy. Popularity wise they are ahead of the pack. We call people like McCain traditional politicians (TRAPO) here locally. Trapo means "rag" btw and is a monicker given to old politicians that stayed too long in the government... it also may or may not be good to be associated with the current regime of current President George is also not a good term to be stricken with.

McCain also chose an inexperienced running mate that knows 0% on foreign policies and can affect the outlook on their party. I just hope women votes from the undecided Hillary Clinton supporters would go her way. That's a big IF btw.

With the recent developments on Hillary's speech during the Democratic convention that pushed for the support on Obama's candidacy, it's more likely that they (including hispanics, other ethnic groups) would still stick to Democrats... But they will be given the hard task of getting these undecided ones on their side. It is hard because Obama of course had given his remarks on Hillary previously that may be well detremental to his ticket. McCain in the upcoming Republican Convention would take advantage of this and try to woo Hillary supporters to his side. With all that and Oprah, I'd say I will still put my 2 cents on Obama and the Democratic Party. Watch the African American guy get to the Whitehouse come election day.

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