Google Money Tree Legal Battle

Friday, January 09, 2009

heard cyberspace crime has gotten more advanced these days but now even web masters fall victim to these people from a Google Money Tree scam which supposedly hailed from and advertising company called Hydra Affiliate Network. An innocent publisher of just got his picture posted in major Internet websites and was claimed to have participated in such horrendous operations of the site without his knowledge. It was even posted in major websites such as ESPN, THE HUFFINGTON POST and FOX NEWS. The list just goes on and on but they never even stopped. I just smell a major lawsuit in his hands because I believe he has been wronged and marred of his credibility. I just hope the Gods and Goddesses of the Internet listens to this innocent man’s plea for justice on a complicated version of identity theft.

What if this happened to us? I wouldn’t handle it this well to tell you frankly. I know there are huge scams in the Internet and I don’t want to be part of it. Getting someone's picture without his permission is just wrong. You can invoke all the rights in the world as you would like but if your turn comes and your privacy is on the line, you should never settle with what they want. You need to continuously fight and they on the other hand need to pay for what they did wrong. We always get that short warning of copyrighted images in the search engines, why on earth don’t we just practice netiquette where it’s supposed to. That’s just not right!
