When Writing

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I sometimes wonder if the things I write have been plagiarized in one way or another. I know I've been writing articles since college and I only employ the general proprietorship on them but most of them have been copied like the term papers and projects I made from way back. I got paid for some of them but some of the other ones were passed on to other batches. I learned that the hard way and I couldn't do anything about it. If that content was made on line I'm sure that'll be a bigger story. Copywriting Services should have protected me from those unimaginative people who couldn't do their own articles. It's not that I don't want to share information but at least I would be glad if I was compensated or mentioned as the source. If I made it I should be credited for it much like any writer would love.

I would love to also have my work protected. I'm sure you would too. If there was something we ordinary people could do in order to protect it then by all means please do help us. Content is so hard to find these days but that should not be an excuse. These could be done by professionals and I wouldn't mind if they take the first step. I would gladly oblige and check if this is worth it. I'm sure a lot of people would like to know.

How about you web masters? Do you think content is important? Do you also take measures to protect it? Care to share your experience?
