I have been witness to a lot of deaths this week that I'm a little emotional. I know how hard it is to lose someone very dear to you and the things that cancer brings. Some of them are incurable; some of them need so much medical attention that even if they live a few years they will use so much money until they get into the brink of poverty... or worse debt. The people they love and know will also be burdened and on most cases you have no choice. It is either that or death; so the choices are pretty much nothing. This is the plight of most that fall victim to environmentally hazardous substances such as asbestos. If there is no mesothelioma prognosis then it would be doubly hard to deal with cancer. Without early detection and the right treatment symptoms would be close to impossible to signify any improvement on one's overall health. I have friends and family who passed away of cancer and this is serious. The number 2 killer in our country is getting worse because of the lack of information and technology to battle it.
Poverty should not be an excuse to treat people and so does the lack of insurance. Coverage of these hard to battle sicknesses is one thing and the other is the actual realization of how precious life can be. It would be easier to deal with this if we had the right tools. Diagnosis is one of the steps that anybody going through this should endure. I would like help educate people on the hazards of living in old houses that have asbestos in their cement and paints. Unfortunately this was the trend years ago and a lot of the houses built with it are still standing now. I hope the community and government work together to eradicate chances of having this condition. It all starts with us. We have to learn and see to it that everyone gets proper care. We owe it to the next generation because it wasn't their fault that it got there in the first place.
Do you have relatives who had cancer? Did they survive? Share your stories please!
my boyfriend's mom is suffering cancer as well. you are right, if we have no money ,we can't treat it because the treatment is costly
hope your fine now
hope your fine now
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