Looking For Deals: Cars

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I seldom go to malls or shops these days because of my busy schedule. To tell you honestly I don't even know how I survived this month without getting any hitches because of Philippine Fashion Week. I even went there without my van because as soon as the week started it totally went out on me crippling me from easily getting in and out of the venue. I said "This is not going to happen again... I probably need to get a new one" and so I did. Finding vans specifically within my area is a little hard because classified ads from newspapers don't work like what they used to. It usually shows a whole lot of cars in a "nationwide scale" and you need to check them out one by one to see if there is one in your area. If you are lucky you won't even find one too LOL. I'm not looking for brand new ones and second hand cars would be okay. I have a specific model in mind but I need to weigh out things first if I could get a better deal than that so I'm definitely open for something else. I checked out one great institution AYOSDITO.PH and got the leads I need showing everything within my area! What a time saver!

The ISUZU CROSSWIND I looked at was automatic, less than a hundred thousand kilometers and within the half a million budget I had. I think I'd go ahead and contact the seller. I found his contact details there too. I also have the option of trading in my old trusty Space Gear so I can get a discount off of it. I need to get that fixed too. Their online classifieds are very easy to look at and breeze through. They got what I need and let me know if it's within my area so I can check out the merchandise before I purchase it. I might not know how to buy a car but with the normal precautions they indicate at the site it's all going to be good.

Now isn't that nice to know?! =)



Yashiro said...

Is it really advisable to buy second hand cars than new ones?  I remember my friend both a second hand car.  it was good during the first two weeks but later on it has always gone through different mechanics.   So does it really have to be a second hand?

KUMAGCOW said...

why not? if it fits the budget and you know the car doesn't have hidden defects, should be good.. :)