It was that time when I was just sitting in front of my laptop and dishing out the newest fairy tales and bio's when a light so bright shone on my window. It was blinding... and astonishing I couldn't see anything at all. I felt the whole house moving, our roof split in half then I just rose ever so slowly. I blacked out then put into an operating table. I saw some images, all with weird aliens sticking their probes on me. Checking what's wrong with me, what made me so different from other bloggers. I never told them anything. When they returned me back to my part of the town I didn't know what time it was. It was all like a desert outside. I saw some twig balls rolling down the road. Shops made like those you see in western movies were there. Though they were all closed I tried to find some people that could help me. When I ran outside I was a bit surprised by what I was wearing... it was all different. I was in Cowboy boots, had a hat, jeans and a plaid shirt. I looked like a younger version of Billy the Kid if I'm not mistaken.
I'm a good Nuffnang blogger, so I never do really have nightmares. They always turn out to be a good thing in the end. That's a fact!
Now this conversation and dream is just making me so hungry. Did you guys know Pizza Hut now offers Hot on the Dot Pizza deliveries: 30 minutes AND hot (as indicated by the thermally activated sticker you place on the pizza box upon receiving your pizza) or your pizza is FREE!? Yeap I'm gonna try it out... need to satisfy my craving FAST!
You can get your pizzas the same way too! Just make sure you dial 911-11-11 if you want your pizzas Hot on the Dot!
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