I love runway and I love scents. It's the perfect marriage if you ask me. Bench always has the good stuff and this event was no different. They just recently launched a new eau de toilette and body spray designed and inspired by the one and only Isabelle Daza. It's about time if you ask me. She's darn gorgeous and of course she takes a gene or more from Mom who won Ms. Universe right? Let's see what transpired that evening at the Trinoma Activity Center.
The stage was set! They built their own Mom and Pop shop right in the center and it was reminiscent of Soda counters in the 1960's but it was nothing old. The theme was just right. It was classic and judging from the smell I got in the sample bottles they got me, it's fit to be used by Men and Women. How can you go wrong with that?

Pretty "swing" dance numbers came after. Then we saw the star of the evening, it's Isabelle Daza!

Then she bade goodbye and made way for a short fashion show featuring Bench's (still) summer collection and a whole lot of body spritzers for the audience. Fashion with a scent, why not!

Easy going, light and colorful fabrics with prints and different patterns. It can work even on rainy days! Who says you have to be gloomy and dark on this weather?
Then the men came in and proved my point =)

Ritual Deo Cologne is for those who love something light and fresh. It's grassy, cedar and flowery undertones that is not too girly gives it a spot on the more "unisex" sector because it can be easily worn by men. The UNIVERS bottle on the other hand plays a more dreamy, flowery and woodsy notes that can also work both men and women. Isabelle had a hand designing these two fragrances because she thought of something that can be totally attractive to both sexes. It's something that can't be contained in one's sexual orientation. It can be the perfect gift for your partner or just for personal use everyday without smelling too strong or too girly when that time comes you get smelled by other people. Admit it, they do!
Friends, relatives, executives from Suyen Corporation, Ben Chan himself and Isabelle Daza's supporters were all in attendance. They got hold of what Isabelle wants in a perfume during the show. Our own Ms. Universe Ms. Gloria Diaz was also in front to see her daughter and Bench celebrate her new fragrance!
Spotted my crush Jasmine Maierhoffer too! ^_^ hihi!
Then Isabelle Daza was given a bouquet of flowers by her Mom and of course Mr. Ben Chan.
Congratulations Ms Isabelle Daza for becoming Bench's latest Scent endorser! Rush over to Bench Lifestyle stores to get hold of Ritual and UNIVERS to experience how it is to have the smell that Isabelle loves in spray cans and bottles. I wore it today and I smell so nice that my friends ask me about it. It's time to fulfill your fantasies by having one now! It's about time!
(photo from Bench Facebook Page and not mine)
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