You might be one of the huge population who's watching Juan Dela Cruz and it's near end. That's coming in a few days. He's a good chap and when we got to talk to him a few days ago, he showed something that I didn't expect he'd be like. I didn't know Juan Dela Cruz' lead actor Coco Martin is quite the same as the hero. The creative team must have something to do with this because he told us how close he was with family, more of his own Grandma. He said that's the same reason why there's always a mother/grandparent role in his movies. Ahh so that's why.
I didn't also expect he was going to be that intimate with us, he was like talking to friends in fact. I remember this guy used to climb walls in my university just to get it on with a friend of mine. But that was a long time ago, lucky girl no?
Anyway, he's a good boy now. He's taking his time and says he's concentrating on doing his job first. The opportunities to work is here so he's grabbing it with all he's got. He is also working for his family so for those who are wanting to see him settle down with somebody, don't get your hopes up because he's planning to do that later on. A long time I might say because he plans to first put his family's security first. He knows how it is to live without much opportunities so now that he's got it on his plate he isn't going to plainly let it pass by.
Make sure you watch the last few days of Juan Dela Cruz because you'll find out how this hero of ours lives or die. Is he gonna be able to still take his promise to Erich Gonzales' and the love they have for each other? Will he live or die? What will happen if evil succeeds in the end? Hold on to your horses as these twists and turns come to an end in the last few days of Juan Dela Cruz on ABSCBN Primetime!
For the actual blog conference video, check out my other post HERE.
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