La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon: 80% Off Davines Treatments

Monday, June 16, 2014

If you've seen me these past few days, you probably have noticed that I love getting my hair cut and colored the right way. It's all done by Cher and the good people from La Belleza Nail and Hair Salon. I've had it bleached a couple of weeks ago and colored Ash Gray and Red but I didn't know that you can actually have your color done again without going through the whole bleaching process. This means I can have around 3-4 different color changes if I wanted to in just 1 bleach. I felt so good that they told me that and of course, I'd really love to have my hair in a different shade. Their stylists suggested that I get the blue one (which I adored earlier) but when they mentioned they had a new green camouflage like color, I went for that instead. I always like something unusual so Cher started with the color and treatment.

I apologize for the multitude of selfies. We had to LOL!

Now I mentioned that I didn't have to get bleached again so this was the part where they put in the color. Right after this, they put in prolly a combination treatment for the hair so it'll be soft and shiny afterwards. I did feel remarkably glad that it would be easy this time.

These guys are experts in color and they've won several awards to prove it. Now that the color has been changed, a short few snips and a small amount of wax... my hair is perfect!

You see, La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon wants you to experience the same good treatments that I've gone through and got you a deal that you can't resist. Through the popular deal site CASHCASHPINOY, they're offering an 80% discount on Davines treatments for a limited time only. 

Get that great hair you've always wanted at less the cost! Hair Treatments using Davines has never been this good! 

Set an appointment with them by contacting 09264563433 or 09277172014. See you at the salon! :)


For more information about their services:
la belleza hair and nail salon
la belleza hair and nail salon
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La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon

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