It's been a while since I got my hair worked on by the good people of La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon. I've been carrying bleached hair these past few weeks (as seen with Alice Dixson) and it has grown out a few inches already. I was trying to grow it out a bit so I'd have longer hair, and perhaps style it a bit later on. It turned out to be unruly because when my hair reaches this long, it tends to have a life on its own. Big curly hair that won't stay in place, yes I've got it all in the bag. Funny but if you were in my shoes, you'll shed a tear or two, or just have tantrums the whole day.

My stylist Cher Nogara asked me what I wanted to do with my hair. She knows I'm crazy when it comes to that and since I haven't gone red yet, I told her to do so that afternoon. The thing is I already had my hair bleached so I asked what would happen of we just covered it all and didn't bleach anymore (as it is a painful process). She figured since I had parts of it already white, it'll turn bright when doused with the red color we're planning. A two toned red? That sounded mighty fine by me so we went ahead and did it after a short shampoo.

While my color was processing, she suggested I get a foot scrub too. Now I don't do this on a regular basis so please don't shoot me, oh and don't squirm on the hairy legs because I'm a quarter Spanish (had to put in a lot of disclaimers) but it was real good. The minty, menthol on small bowls you see ended up in the water used to soften my feet. I got a fruity scrub too which smelled like strawberries, something to exfoliate the skin during the massage I got in the calves - and that got it dreamy. They hit it right in the spot where it was hurting when I walked so it was super duper good!

They then covered me in mud that had eucalyptus tones on it, it was so cold. It was the perfect way to end that bit but they started buffing my nails like clockwork so a pedicure ensued. Pampering while waiting for my color to take effect? I must say, this wasn't a bad idea. I should have been doing this a long time ago haha!

Now it's shiny! :) I also got colorless thingy on it so it'll last longer. So nice no?!

Cher and her team immediately got me rinsed, then they put in treatment on my hair so my hair would turn out relaxed and manageable. She then whipped up a dab or two of their imported wax (which you can purchase from the salon) and got me the hairstyle I always carried. It looked even better now that I have longer hair. A few hours in the salon never felt this good!
Now just look at my hair! :) Doesn't that just make you smile?!

I always get what I want when I drop by La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon. Thanks to Cher Nogara and their team for making me feel this good every time I step out of their salon. They are located at the 2nd Floor EK Building #50 Don Antonio II Holy Spirit Drive in Quezon City. Call them for appointments 09264563433 or 09231371547. They are open from 10am to 8pm and you can also just walk in. Why be boring when you can have hair this good right? 🐮
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