Calling all professional and amateur bartenders in the Philippines, you are now being summoned into a battle by the number one brand of Tequila Jose Cuervo. They're launching "Dons Of Tequila", which is a search for the next best hero who has all that is going to represent this 250 year old brand. The prize? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to fly to the origin of all things Tequila, which is in Tequila, Mexico. You'll get the chance to also have an actual harvest of Agave on the Jose Cuervo estate and have your unique blend of tequila be labeled under your own name. Isn't that awesome?

It's not going to be easy though because it does take a lot to be a real Don of Tequila. You need to have the craftsmanship, passion and bravery as with the forefathers of this golden liquid. You also need to be a source, a start of real friendship, true bonds and good times which every Don should actually have. You will be fresh and relevant, epitomize that 250 year brand in all borders. You must be worthy of this title.

The search already started and a lot of bartenders have uploaded their tequila based cocktail or shot at http://www.DonsOfTequila.com. 10 of them will be selected to compete in the Finals which will happen in July. It's where they will show what a real Don of Tequila should be.

If you're pretty new at this, don't worry because you'll be mentored by greats such as Jerry Miranda who hails from Prive and won the prestigious Diageo Reserve World Class 2014, plus TGIFriday's Genrev Bascano who placed second runner up at the 23rd World Bartending Championships, and Divine Lee. They'll fix you up in a boot camp designed to make your cajones come out to be that perfect Don of Tequila who will represent the Philippines, and soon, the world! Your name will be put in the lines of legendary Dons who have made it with that title, something extremely honorable in their books.
For more information about the competition, please visit http://www.DonsOfTequila.com and be the next one in line. Be the next Don of Tequila.
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