Wattpad Presents: Secretly in a Relationship with a Gangster

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Some new faces seen during the recent press conference of Wattpad Presents: Secretly in a Relationship with a Gangster. I already know Chanel Morales because she's from Artista Academy and the countless shows she's done in the past, whilst Mark Roque is the brother of Dominic from ABSCBN and I've seen Mark do support roles in previous Wattpad series too. Joshua Ouano on the other hand is pretty new, but he's included in the Candy Cuties from last year, which we were not surprised about because he does look the part. Joshua by the way is a model, doing stints here and there but he's based in Cebu and has German lineage. These guys and gal will be the personalities behind the characters of this week's episode of Wattpad Presents: Secretly in a Relationship with a Gangster.

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Joshua and Mark are pretty much considered newbies since Chanel has done quite a lot of Wattpad projects in the past.. 

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark 

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

She says "Honestly, I didn't really feel quite burdened because I can feel how much effort they put into their characters, they even approach me so we could throw lines and practice which I never really see sometimes in people who have been doing Wattpad projects in the past. Every time the Director asks us to do something, they really delve in the scene and I don't feel they get lost during the shoot at all. Joshua and Mark are in the scene and if there's something that they want to do aside from those in the script, they really tell me so we could execute it right after. Aki has a new love team, I'm comfortable with him but we're still together in "Happy Truck Ng Bayan". I'm not in love right now, I don't have a boyfriend. If I were to choose, I'd really love to have one. My ideal guy would be matured, responsible and very family oriented. If Aki did court me, there's a chance but he's already got a new love team. He told me I was the one who had a new guy as a partner so I was okay with it after we talked. I feel he's into me too (then we laughed). Maybe it would be exciting to have a gangster boyfriend but not to the point that I have to join gang wars. I think it's the characteristics of being macho, being very manly that would attract me to a gangster if ever. I still want to do romcoms, I did it in previous Wattpad projects... Happy Truck would make us do other things like performing with a live audience and I hope that goes a long way because it's a dream for me. We have matured, we don't compete with my other compatriots in Artista Academy. It's positive to see blessings are coming to everyone and if we succeed in different fields, we're still maintaining that friendship with the top 6. That's not going to go away, because we've been together in this journey. There are no kissing scenes though. I know this makes me a little nervous and I contact all my fan clubs. My folks in Bacolod also do their thing to release statements, everyone in Visayas and Mindanao, I hope they all help promote this week's episode. I like Joshua's eyes, his skin, while Mark looks really good with his built, his stance, they're both cute. If I'd had to do kissing scenes with them, OKAY! (then we all laughed again)"

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Mark Roque says "Maybe I want to be concentrated more in acting. I think I'm still too shy, but I get a lot of help because we're getting to know each other during the shoot. I think that really helps a lot. It was a challenge to play the bad boy, sometimes it's not showing when I already thought it was enough. It's different on TV and the Director pointed that out. I had to do it again with bigger actions, obvious ones, so the viewers would understand it. We have different ways how to be a gangster, I think it's just astig. My brother went back home maybe after hearing stuff from the first presscon, but we didn't get to talk that much still because when he went there I was working on this show. I think I'll treat him out to dinner when I get my first paycheck because we usually only bond when we ride bikes. I haven't really gone and talked after a while, but we're okay now. I think he should help me promote (then we laughed) otherwise I won't treat him for dinner. I thank my relatives who have helped me promote, I feel their love. In the next Wattpad project, maybe I can improve myself more if I get to work again with Chanel. She did help us a lot. I'm so thankful about this role, this project by TV5. I hope to do more workshops, because I feel the characters and I'm happy, excited, that I've been given more roles to portray. Chanel is so charming, the more you spend time with her, the more you like her."

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Joshua says "I'm really thankful that TV5 has given me this opportunity. I'm half German. Chanel has really helped me a lot and made me comfortable, helped me to deliver my lines because it's really my first time. Well, she's matured and beautiful, that's one of the qualities I find nice in ladies. I'm from Cebu, studied there in University of San Carlos, I'm doing projects in between. I'm  a long lost friend of Chanel in this project, I'm a good friend and have feelings for her also. But it ended up to be her liking the other guy more. I'm really practicing my tagalog and we're getting there. I'm very good in Cebuano and English but we're trying to do this step by step. Chanel is hard working, all the scenes, she's really into the character, I'd do kissing scenes but only if she allows me too. (awww how sweet!)"

Wattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel MarkWattpad Presents Joshua Chanel Mark

Oh by the way, that's the author of the book together with them on the last frame! I wish you all the best Chanel! I'm sure these two new good looking guys are still diamonds in the rough, they'll be prime leading men material in no time soon. Again, please watch this week's episode Wattpad Presents: Secretly in a Relationship with a Gangster which stars Joshua Ouano, Chanel Morales and Mark Roque 9PM on the happiest network in the country TV5!


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