I've already interviewed and met Chynna Ortaleza several times so I thought I already knew her. Her stint at The Rich Man's Daughter sort of have given us another side of her, which we all probably didn't know she's very well capable of. The other cast members did as much work as she did, and look at what their show now. Ratings have gone sky high, the amount of support they're getting is big, but are we just scratching the surface? I bet.
I've been to 70's Bistro, a long time ago in fact to watch my favorite bands perform, and perhaps see up and coming artists who are all trying to make it big in the scene. What I got from Chynna that evening was her extreme gusto to explore another world. She feels she also belongs to the indie scene and finds that it feeds her artistic hunger. I was even able to see Chynna watch bands from the audience and how she gets excited when we hear their music.
Oddly that it seems, this is much like a dream for her. When Darwin Hernandez and Kean Cipriano help her produce some of her work, everything just came into place. They named the band Lara Serena, which is Chynna's real name. Together with Chen Pangan on Lead guitar, Mat Rabena on rhythm , Z Mendioro on bassand KV Viloria on drums, Chynna took hold of the vocals and had their band formed during the last week of June. Friend and co-artist Glaiza De Castro also helped in some of her original tracks which they played during their first gig in Saguijo. This time, it was for the BabaePower tour which aims to hasten women empowerment, hence the great lineup with female vocalists and musicians.

Taken by Cars, reminds me of an office mate who sings just as spiritedly.

Moonstar88 gave me chills. It's like they know my story when they play.

All women band Phonic Dialog which some of their members are also part of Lara Serena.
I know some of these other bands, so it was a bit nostalgic. I do have high standards, but seeing these women dish out tunes from their instruments made me blurt out expletives in my mind when I hear their music. Moonstar88 in fact made me close my eyes, in a very difficult place like a packed and overflowing 70's bistro at that.

Chynna Ortaleza and her band Lara Serena
Seeing Chynna on stage, I was a little nervous for her. She even whispered to me not to expect something super good. I understand, she's foremost an actress and I honestly haven't seen her sing. She was also a bit jittery when the other bands started playing. Imagine from being in the audience a couple of months ago, she's tasked to play alongside Imago, Moonstar88, Taken by Cars and Gracenote. I understood then why she was nervous, totally.

Gorgeous ladies and friends Rich Asuncion and Sheena Halili were there to support Chynna.
Chynna also mentioned that this thing is just surreal. It's like whenever she's on stage, she's dreaming. It's like a huge blur. Although in my perspective, I saw a different version of her. A bit playful, excited, even proud. Imagine, those things she used to just scribble, sing in private will now be heard by the same set of people who enjoyed the music of the other bands I mentioned earlier. The verdict? The music was good, although the band needs some needed small polishing, but I surely dig what they're doing... including the words of her music. It's really different when a song writer actually sings their own song, they know what emotion to exude, and how to say it like it should. Now mind you, if everyone that evening appreciated it that much, what more in the next coming months. An album? Not yet, but I hope in some way they could have their own one soon as Lara Serena starts their journey in the indie music scene. Yes, this is just the beginning but I see a lot of promise. This is Chynna's dream and it is coming true, and this is very inspiring. I hope you guys get to follow her on IG so can catch their other gigs which will happen in other bars soon.
Thanks to GMA Artist Center and Lay Bare who also were there to support Chynna. Congratulations dear, you're definitely making music now. It's fate. Go grab it by the tale and don't let go, just enjoy the ride!
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