KATHRYN BERNARDO and 1,308 Gets Guinness World Record at Gatorade No Sugar Sweat Fest!

Friday, May 12, 2023

Our girl Kathryn Bernardo was part of the pack who led festivities at the Gatorade No Sugar Sweat Fest last May 6th. Imagine, 1,308 people clocking in the official Guinness World Record for the largest aerobic weight training class in the world! The previous one was only 978, and imagine, the Queen Kathryn Bernardo on stage participating in it as well, that alone is worth it!

For those who don't know, Gatorade gets the body fueled and energized, and now that it's got no sugar and calories, it'll be the best buddy to have when working out or performing at your peak. This comes in Citrus Quench and Blue Bolt flavors and is available in leading shops nationwide. Kath works out regularly (you can see her abs!) and say even if Gatorade No Sugar doesn't have sugar on it, it still tastes good! She and the participants were also given special shirts that reveal a message when you sweat on it, reminding them to hydrate if you're doing a lot of fitness activities, or have an active lifestyle. 

Congratulations to Gatorade Philippines for launching Gatorade No Sugar and having Kathryn Bernardo as part of your own Guinness World Record! Congrats Queen Kath!


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