AHON MAHIRAP Celebrates Independence Day with "KA PARES SA PAG AHON" Activity in Quezon City

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Philippines just celebrated its 126th Independence Day yesterday, June 12th. How did you celebrate it? Stayed at home? Well, here's something you could do next time.

The folks from AHON MAHIRAP just set an example at the Quezon City Memorial Cirle grounds yesterday. They are an advocacy group aimed to promote works that hone equality, give opportunities in order to alleviate poverty. They do this with compassion, to help ease the challenges of achieving a life that is dignified, and fulfilled.

Instead of the run of the mill soup kitchen, they opted to do an activity called "KA PARES SA PAG AHON", where they serve Filipino favorite "Beef Pares" to ordinary joes, seniors, workers, kids and those who need nourishment at the park. In the event, AHON MAHIRAP President Kristine Aplal and Co-Founder Wilbert Tolentino, and several volunteers personally served these good bowls made with love as part of the Independence Day celebrations in the park. 

Here's a rundown on what happened that afternoon:

They have been doing these and other activities even before the pandemic. They later formed the organization in order to help even more people, saying having it formalized made sense. True enough, they were able to organize and have leaders in Metro Manila and in the provinces so they too could implement their projects too. 

Ms. Kristine was adamant that this will be just the start and hope to bring the "KA PARES SA PAG AHON" Project in other locations. Wilbert also wanted to serve even more kids and places where they see the need fit. If you know a place, they also are eager to hear about it on their social channels, make sure you head on to AHON MAHIRAP social channels and message them if you also would like to help. Else, you can check out their official website AhonMahirap.com for more details on how you can also help their cause.


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