Monday, June 24, 2024

Looks like the quest of finding love will be easy when you watch this new movie called THAT KIND OF LOVE. This stars well loved pairing Barbie Forteza and David Licauco, popularly known as #BarDa. 

They've been really followed quite intensely during GMA series "Maria Clara at Ibarra", but this is the first time that they are doing a movie, under neophyte Pocket Media Productions Inc. The material was crafted by Ellis Catrina who has made this specifically for them. This is directed by Catherine O. Camarillo, who's first film under the same outfit "Chances are, You and I" was well received by critics for its very compelling story.


"That Kind of Love" will be featured  in Japan as a spotlight entry under the Jinseo Arigato International Festival. This will be held in Nagoya, Japan. While the local screening will start on July 10th which is a few weeks from now. They will also be doing a premiere night on July 4th, so make sure you go and support them (especially if you are a BarDa fan). Know that parts of the movie has been shot in South Korea. Both Barbie and David enjoyed doing scenes in Seoul where much of the shoot happened.

Barbie says "There were so many risks done in making this movie. There is pressure, much so because people are just starting to go back to cinemas. But I am confident about our project, our film, because who doesn't want to feel good? to fall in love? This is what we want to offer, and our goal is for you to fall in love with David once you go out of the theater."

David adds "We are pressured, but I know how good the material is. This is also directed by Direk CC. As long as we do our part in promoting the film, I know this will do good in the box office. I can control the things that I can do, so we just have to promote and help the movie."

People have already seen the trailer, and had really good feedback. The Director mentioned how this is not the work of one person, but a lot of people who did their best to make this movie what it is now. It's a quality film, and Barbie wants people to patronize the movie based on its merits, and because it is done excellently. She also hopes that Filipinos start watching Filipino made films first before they venture on watching other films from different countries. Here are parts of the press conference where we asked questions for Barbie, David, Ms. Arlene Mulach, Divine Aucina, Ivan Carapiet and Jef Gaitan who were there that afternoon. .

As of today, word has it that the fan base of both Barbie and David are arranging block screenings in different theaters nationwide. They are also asking Sparkle management for a little lee way in their schedules so they could attend the screenings as they happen.

I felt how happy Ms. Arlene was when she told the story of how kilig she got when she saw Barbie and David portrayed Mila and Adam. Will this perfect guy fall in love with the dating guru? Who knows! Best to watch it in cinemas when it goes out on the 10th!


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