LEO ALMODAL Does Nature Inspired Show at OKADA

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Leo Almodal is no stranger to couture gowns and suits. I've seen several pieces he's put out with some celebrities in events I've been... and covered. This time, it's his grand 65 piece collection that he's showcasing at Okada's Grand Ballroom. Sure enough, he didn't disappoint onlookers with jaw dropping gowns worn by some of Manila's most gorgeous models, beauty queens and celebrities.

If you didn't get to catch the show, as always, KUMAGCOW.COM has it covered. Please, enjoy!

Leo's fashion show was obviously nature inspired, with exquisite couture pieces right from the start. You'll see how he tries to outdo his first creation with another one, equally merging earth, sea and air elements with flowy, fluffy textile adorned with crystals and gems at front and back.

We were also surprised with the participation of the sultry and talented actress Sanya Lopez. Max Collins was also fitting to open the show, I didn't really recognize her until her second outfit because everything looked ethereal, they looked like goddesses walking on the runway.

Aside from them, Arci Munoz, Ara Mina, Herlene Budol, Drag Race PH Winner Captivating Katkat, beauty queens Jamie Herrell, Michelle Gomez, Gazini Ganados, Yllana Marie Aduana, Maureen Montagne, Emma Tiglao, Jennifer Lloyd, Tracy Maureen Perez, Ingrid Sta. Maria, Krishna Marie Gravidez and Ghene Latugat showcased more of the gowns in different parts of the show. Several noted models carried them all so well, we all drooled from start to finish.

 I do agree with the producer when she mentioned that Leo Almodal is a genius. This collection has shown how talented this Filipino designer is, and seeing that this will also be done in other countries (as we speak) will be fitting as he gives only the best in his designs. You should take note of the Blue Sea Slug like gown, the Gold one that opened the show and the Red Rose colored one before the end of the show. Those are standouts, and my personal favorites!

Congratulations on doing this heavenly show Leo! After seeing all these, I'd be honored to wear a suit from you! 


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