Your Favorite Ascorbic acid Poten-Cee Turns 50

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

When you've seen the brand since you were a kid and you've known they've existed even way before, you're not old, but EXPERIENCED :)

Your favorite Vitamin C brand is turning 50, and this marks their newest campaign of "Fifty, Fortified, and Forging Forward".

From existing in the pre-war era, they have always supported your Vitamin C needs from your Great Grandparents, to your kids, and your children's children. And now, they're actually supporting you and your different lifestyles. From the original sugar coated ones made in 1974, they now have different variants. They did this to follow your different needs, because we do.

The Sodium Ascorbate or Poten-Cee NA is for those who prefer it to be non acidic, the Poten-Cee Chewable is for those who are in a hurry, Poten-Cee Forte is for those who prefer a higher dosage and takes about 8 hours to do it, Poten-Cee Sugar-Free are for those who watch their sugar intake (diabetics like me). There's even more!

Poten-Cee + C is the one with Hydrolyzed Collagen, Poten-Cee + Zn is the one with Zinc, Poten-Cee + Zn Advance has added Cholecalciferol to give you more immunity and Zinc when you need it (immune function and prevent inflammation).

They are also forging forward with Poten-Cee + C Marine Collagen, that's collagen from fish and animal sources. They are there for you since inception, but still makes sure to also help by giving sizeable donations for victims of Typhoon Carina.

They've also joined TikTok Shop and will be having live selling sessions on September 9 at 11AM and October 15 at the same time. Follow their social channels by searching for their accounts PotenCee_PH. Best to see your doctor if symptoms persist. Congratulations as always Pascual Lab!


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