ARJO ATAYDE Reveals More Projects After ContentAsia Awards Win

Saturday, September 14, 2024


It's been a while since I've last seen multi awarded actor and Congressman Arjo Atayde. He's been very busy, with good reason because after his wedding, he had to really pay attention to his duties as a public servant in the 1st District of Quezon City. The movies/series that he's done a few years ago is reaping fruit, and recently won him Best Male Lead for his role in Cattleya Killer at ContentAsia Awards 2024. 

We celebrated with him, his family, and a few more people from the press. They held a no holds barred interview to specifically get more updates from the busy good looking man fresh from Taipei, Taiwan where he received the it.

Arjo also addressed one of the movie projects where he was supposed to appear but ended up not being in it. His sole reason was because he wanted to be 100 percent in that project and felt it would be unfair to his co-actors if he didn't commit to the role just like them. He also doesn't choose projects and trusts his management about what he does, it is sometimes the schedule that he gets a little trouble with because he has a lot of priorities. The roles he take, is something he is thankful for because it becomes his outlet to be able to express his artistry. He's glad he is not boxed, tied to roles, in his 11 years in the business. He says "Every role I take is a learning opportunity."

People asked about Arjo and Maine on becoming parents and he told us "We are enjoying each others time because we wouldn't be able to do this in the long run. We definitely talk about it but we'll keep that as a secret. We are all excited though about having our pamangkin (with Ria and Zanjoe) and support Ria and Z, it's their story to tell, but we are SUPER SUPER excited and send much love to them!"

Here's the press conference on video, please raise the volume a bit because it was a little too noisy (along the road) but please, enjoy!

Arjo also shared a preview of MOONLIGHT, a film made by US based Isabel Sandoval. She's had great success with previous project Lingua Franca which won awards in 2019, and the Filipina film maker didn't disappoint with what we saw that evening. It's a masterpiece just waiting to be showcased in festivals and platforms. Arjo also showed us scenes from "Bagman" and "TOPAKK" which we loved. Each felt like Hollywood quality, no doubt, and he says this is just the start.

The wins in several award giving bodies would mean more exposure not just for Arjo but for the Filipino talent. Hopefully, this snowball starts an avalanche of opportunities for Filipino actors, those behind the camera and productions that are just waiting to be discovered. His work as Congressman of the 1st District of Quezon City will continue, and he vows to continue to help the communities he represent and make effective laws. He also wants the bills he principally authored (all 223 of them) be implemented well including the Eddie Garcia Law which is for the occupation and safety standards in the entertainment industry.

Thank you for the opportunity to see you again Cong. Arjo! Thank you also to Ms. Sylvia Sanchez who was also there that evening to tell us a few things about Ria and Z. (and for taking care of my Mom during Dessa's concert a few weeks ago). As Arjo said, this is just the start of good things ahead for whatever hat he wears!


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