DigiPlus Interactive/BingoPlus Foundation Continue CSR Efforts in Typhoon Stricken Areas

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

It's been a devastating couple of months as typhoons ravaged the country. The recent one being Typhoon Carina and has affected people from Metro Manila and the island of Luzon. This prompted DigiPlus Interactive and their CSR efforts to make sure they get mobilized in different communities especially those who have been severely affected by it. Together with the DSWD, they got to bring essentials for 15,160 families. They went there with Digibuddy volunteers to make sure re-packing and distribution would be done without a hitch.

The affected barangays in Marikina, CAMANAVA, Rizal, and Central Luzon were given relief goods and toiletries including those who are in the DSWD shelters that function as a home for street children and the homeless. They also provided rice and milk for them during the activity.

With the help of their foundation, they also built rainwater collecting tanks with filters so they could benefit those who are also struggling with potable, clean water. They also taught children in school needed disaster preparedness skills so when the time comes, they would be able to weather through challenges. This includes IP's from the Dumagats, and vulnerable communities. This is part of their efforts to make sure that the Philippines remain resilient and stronger, and implement their CSR programs in line with it.

These are good things that should be multiplied!


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