Seeing her up close would have made the case of being number 1 in the Most Beautiful Face of the Year a no contest. It's the annual voting list run by TC Candler, a creator based in LA. There have been 7 Filipinas in that list this year but the Top 1 post went to ANDREA BRILLANTES, one of Star Magic's brightest stars.
She's also been given the SPOTLIGHT by the artist agency last week and we got to talk to her a bit about getting the recognition and asked a few more things about what she plans to do this 2025. She's had a pretty lucky 2024, and for sure, ABS-CBN has huge plans for her especially after getting in this really popular list.
We talked to Andrea at the SPOTLIGHT set by Star Magic. They really prepared a lot for this event and interview (mainly to recognize their accomplishments of course!).
Andrea says "I was quite surprised about the video, I didn't know you were going to do that. I tied my hair today because of that list. Last year I was also there but I didn't get the top spot, but this year when I learned about it, I said hala, I'm top 1? I asked my Mom immediately and told her she's got a daughter that made the top spot. But really, I'm so thankful. It's the bragging rights that I could tell my friends now, really happy about it but I couldn't have that in my head, I couldn't wrap my head around it."
She adds "Right now I'm enjoying my free time because I don't have a show, but I've got a ton of things to do especially with business. I set my priorities, but try to also enjoy my youth. I also help with my community, my church, and try to learn a new sport like frisbee. I try to be intentional with my time, try to find some for everything. It's quite precious for me because I have to have energy for it everyday. I try to travel, my schedule is crazy, but want to have a work life balance. I want to manage my time because you can't disappear when you're in this business. I think it's important to have sleep, above anything, no matter how beautiful you are. Now I'm adding veggies to my diet, try to take care of that and what I eat. I also invest in skincare, do makeup, I've been doing it since I was 16 and I think I've got a pretty good grasp of it. If I'm tired, I just do my routine. I try to fit it in one hour or 30 minutes just to take care of myself."
"You don't just have to be pretty outside, I try my best to be good, my attitude. I think making your heart pretty is better."
With all the things she's been through, she knows herself even more. She plans to do more shows, programs, movies, even other things outside showbiz. It's her experience that makes her an even better person, and we saw that during the SPOTLIGHT event with her.
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