Showing posts with label Against. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Against. Show all posts

Fighting Hunger Together!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Photo Credit: WFP/Philipp Herzog

I have been a stern supporter of World Food Programme as you may probably know. WFP.ORG and WFP Philippines have been continually fighting hunger in this country for years now and they need all the help they can get. One truly remarkable way you can now do that is by purchasing through Julie's Bakeshop; particularly their BAYAN BREAD. This item and its proceeds will help fund feeding programs for areas of conflict and Sendong (International Name Washi) affected areas in Mindanao.

Photo above shows WFP Country Director and Representative Stephen L. Anderson and Julie's Bakeshop CEO Joseph Gandionco shaking hands in the recent SINULOG Festival in Cebu City. Together let us work hard in making sure to feed millions of Filipinos who suffer from hunger and do our share to help at this part of the world!

Please visit WFP.ORG and follow them on Twitter for more information (details below).


For more information

Please visit their website:

Follow them on Twitter



You Can Help!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I have to tell you something. This is something I really believe in. People in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world should not experience hunger. It's inexcusable to see someone ask for food when others even have an eight course meal in one sitting. We can all do what we can but we only can do so much. I am not a hero by any shape or form but I want to help. I think that alone can make a difference. It's what the World Food Program has been doing these past few years. Have you heard of them?!

If not, I would like to enjoin you to visit and check out the ways to get involved. You might think that you can't do anything to save kids and give them a hot meal with what little contribution you can make. A simple sacrifice of a coffee cup, splurge on food or shopping can literally equate to a lot of kids getting that needed nourishment here and elsewhere in the globe. Africa has been one of the hardest hit but Asia and the Philippines is not too far from it either. We have people who need it specially in Mindanao where armed conflicts are displacing hundreds of families. Some of them lose their livelihood, access to education and cannot start a new life after war. The situation is terrible but you still see a good sense of hope in their eyes, please help in whatever way you can. You can start by getting involved!

All these are available on the web site I mentioned above. You can click the images and go to the site and see for yourself how to do it. Nothing is impossible so make sure you tell your friends and family how. It takes a few informed people to let a million be educated about it so start with the people you know.

Bloggers can help too. I'm part of the Bloggers Against Hunger Movement. We can help spread the word to everyone and harness the power of Social Media. We have access to people and if you start letting them know how to help that'll be a lot already. We have a lot of avenues we just need to let them see that no matter how small or big they can contribute it can help feed kids and families from Somalia, Mogadishu, a lot of other places and our own country the Philippines. Start by going here! CLICK THIS

You can definitely help! Let's do our share and fight hunger!


For more information please visit their website!

Follow them on Twitter!


4th Impeachment Complaint Against President Arroyo

Monday, October 13, 2008

President GMA showing the signs of aging lolz. Headaches coming on this impeachment again!

The 4th and probably the final impeachment complaint against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has been filed in the lower house this morning by Jose de Venecia III, Atty. Harry Roque and Iloilo Vice Governor Rolex Suplico. Receiving the complaint was Deputy General Ricardo Roque and endorsed by well known activists/Party list representatives Satur Ocampo, Teddy Casino and Lisa Masa.

They went there about 7am in the morning to file this so they would be the first one to do so. Remember the last time when Atty. Lozano filed for it and it was recognized? heheh... I guess they don't want to be in the same boat as last year.. Just thinking about wasted time and money again for this, they did not even know this would take years... and the election would be next year... someone is definitely not thinking huh?!

Well it's their right, so nobody can complain about that... I mean you know how miserable politics is in the Philippines... yeah you know!

Have we became a country of partisan politics? If they don't win the election and get what they want, they just complain? Is that really healthy or is it just a waste of time? In my books, its just a waste... a real waste of people's taxes... why don't they just work like most of us do... and pay their taxes right... nothing like this would help our image abroad... just really hate it when we are taken aback in the economy just because we have the most circus every time we elect people for office. Sheeesh!

The President is being accused of betrayal of public trust, culpable violation of the Constitution and criminal responsibility with extra-judicial killings and disappearances, NBN-ZTE deal, North Rail Project, Mount Diwalwal Project, fertilizer scam among others.

I heard in the news this morning, that Joey de Venecia is asking for support with this impeachment complaint. I doubt it, they'll probably just end up noisy... I hope the economy just does not get affected by this! but it probably will. I hope former Speaker Jose De Venecia doesn't lobby this in the Congress, this will fireball more noise of course! Hate that!

I doubt that this will do something good. How about you? Comments please, thanks! ^_^
