Showing posts with label Asisi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asisi. Show all posts


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I beg for your prayers, for the safety of my Auntie Milet.
She got kidnapped and no news yet from the abductors.
Only these articles from Inquirer is what we have as information.
Please continue to pray for her safety and release!

This morning her mother called us at home and cried. I only hope she's okay and safe...


3 abducted aid workers freed in Basilan--military

By Katherine Evangelista
Agence France-Presse,
First Posted 09:46:00 09/16/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- Three aid workers believed to have been abducted by members of the Abu Sayaf have been freed by their captors, military officials said.

The victims were released in Al Barka, Basilan Monday night, said Lieutenant Colonel Ernesto Torres, spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Ludivina Dakit, Romy delos Reyes and Jun Estandarte are now in the custody of the 1st Marine Brigade based in Isabela City, Basilan, Philippine Navy spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Edgard Arevalo, said.

Two other aid workers, Esperanza Hupida and Milet Mendoza, remain with the kidnappers, who have not yet made any demands for their release, Arevalo added.

The five were part of a 12-man humanitarian team onboard two vehicles that was blocked by 10 armed men near Tipo-Tipo town.

The navy identified the seven NGO workers who were able to elude capture as Jerson Imamil, Sahida Alasa, Hapira Alasa, Nenita Sanchez, Nifra Abdulkadir, Amina Saladdin and Lina Grace Balamo.

The kidnapping was carried out by supposed Abu Sayyaf rebels under the command of
Furuji Indaman, Torres said.

The aid workers who worked for the Christian Children's Fund and the Nagdilaab Foundation, a Christian-Muslim charity.

Marayag, navy commander in the southwestern Philippines, said the women were recovered by pursuing government forces near Tipo-Tipo and were undergoing a military debriefing.

He did not say whether they were harmed by the kidnappers.

Arevalo said a crisis committee composed of local government units, the Marine brigade commander and the Basilan Philippine National Police was formed Tuesday morning "to determine how to facilitate the situation."

"We are open to any opportunity that would ensure the safe release of the victims," said Arevalo, adding that negotiations are possible.

However, Arevalo clarified that the "no ransom policy" will be strictly implemented in the situation.


I beg for your prayers, for the safety of my Auntie Milet.
She got kidnapped yesterday and no news yet from the abductors. Only this article from Inquirer is what we have as information.
Please pray for her!

From Inquirer:

Gunmen seize 4 peace workers in Basilan

By Julie Alipala
Mindanao Bureau
First Posted 04:41:00 09/16/2008

ZAMBOANGA CITY—Gunmen Monday seized four peace advocates in Tipo-Tipo, Basilan, in an assault on humanitarian workers helping poor communities in an area known as a hotbed of lawless violence.

Church officials immediately appealed to the abductors to free their captives in the spirit of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, saying all that the four peace advocates wanted was to improve the lives of impoverished people.

Police identified the four as Merlie “Milet” Mendoza, Ludy Borja, Esperancita Hupida and driver Dionisio Estandante.

Their two companions, identifed as Romeo delos Reyes and Sahida Alasa, escaped, according to initial reports received by the authorities.

The six peace advocates were on their way to Isabela City when their vehicle was flagged down by at least 10 armed men, according to Senior Supt. Salik Macapantar, Basilan police chief.

Macapantar said the abduction happened at around 11:45 a.m. in the village of Kabangalan in Tipo-Tipo.

Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad said the abductions were confirmed to him by Dedeth Suacito, executive director of the Nagdilaab, a nongovernmental organization based in Basilan.

Nagdilaab is a “Grameen-type” of NGO implementing a new kind of bank lending involving loans to poor people to help them start small businesses. “Grameen” is a word in Bangladesh which means “village” or “rural.”

The bishop told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that Hupida, 42, a program director of Nagdilaab, “was on her way to Tipo-Tipo to assess projects.”

Borja works for a group called Sustainable Health Improvements through Empowerment and Local Development (SHIELD).

Appeal to kidnappers

The name Ludy Borja was supplied by the police. The name which the bishop gave to the Inquirer was Ludy Dikit. Presumably, they were referring to the same person.

The bishop described Mendoza as a Manila-based humanitarian volunteer who helps the local NGO look for funds for relief and rehabilitation, and assess possible projects.

Claretian Fr. Angel Calvo of Peace Advocate Zamboanga confirmed the abduction of the four but said he and his group still “don’t have any details at this moment.”

Calvo called on the kidnappers to “free the four captives in the spirit of Ramadan,” the fasting month for Muslims.

“The victims are peace advocates who spend their whole lives to bring peace to areas in Mindanao where (government) services are often lacking,” Calvo said.

Sanctuaries of gunmen

Basilan is a small island off the Mindanao mainland where various armed groups operate, including the Abu Sayyaf bandits, guerrillas of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and criminal bands.

There was no word from the authorities about who the gunmen were or what group they belonged to.

Mendoza was a former executive coordinator of Tabang Mindanaw, which was considered to be the biggest multi-sectoral humanitarian movement to deliver relief and rehabilitation services to strife-torn communities in Mindanao.

The Inquirer has also worked with Mendoza, who has documented the plight of war evacuees in Sulu.

Victor Taylor, who was formerly with Tabang Mindanaw, described Mendoza as “a freelance NGO worker who has spent time in Mindanao to source out funds for humanitarian work.”

Mendoza was also a former senior executive officer of Assisi Foundation, a social development nonprofit organization.

A number of kidnapping incidents have occurred in Basilan this year.

On June 10, two Marine soldiers went to Albarka, Basilan, to negotiate a supposed planned surrender of an MILF rebel. The “surrender” turned out to be a ploy and the two soldiers were seized. They were released unharmed three days later.

Rescued by police

On July 11, Abu Sayyaf bandits released the four linesmen of the Basilan Electric Cooperative after holding them captive for 15 days.

The Abu Sayyaf threatened to behead the linesmen if their demand for a P1-million ransom was not met, but eventually freed them in exchange for an unspecified amount for the “board and lodging fees” of their victims, officials said.

Two employees of the Cagayan de Oro City-based Power City Company were kidnapped by Moro extremists on July 16. The abductors demanded P3 million but police rescued the victims two days later after a gunbattle. The kidnappers escaped.

The most highly publicized case of kidnapping in Mindanao this year occurred in nearby Sulu on June 8, when ABS-CBN broadcast journalist Ces Drilon, her two cameramen—Jimmy Encarnacion and Angelo Valderama—and Prof. Octavio Dinampo were taken at gunpoint by suspected Abu Sayyaf men.

Four days later, Valderama was released. On June 17, Drilon and the two others were freed. Their releases followed payment of ransom amounting to millions of pesos.