Showing posts with label Auctionista. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auctionista. Show all posts

Auction Safety

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Getting your gadgets and things these days actually would mean you have to spend a lot. It takes time to save and when you save enough a new model comes in and literally made your savings useless. There are times I actually even join auction sites in the premise of getting a great deal with a few pennies. I won a couple of times but decided to just claim them on a later date. Some of my friends frequent that site but complained they never got the items they won but I never listened. True enough, that auction site wasn't accessible after a few weeks and closed down. They've got our items and credits and went bankrupt. I should have listened and made my research first. With that experience I thought I would never even believe anymore with penny auctions until I heard of a great company. I've never even heard of complaints and I'm really inching to be a member of reputable sites like these. The choices of products are so many. I love how they even have high ticket items on their auctions. This is just exciting!

We all have on line transactions and we try to learn one day at a time but it doesn't mean we lose trust in it. We just have to be safe in doing it. Make sure we also research first before we get into something like this. It is imperative that we heed to the experiences of other people. It's one way of learning how to get you out of harms way if there are some unscrupulous individuals out there. Make sure you get the best and the one you can trust. After all, its money we are talking about here.


UNICEF: Auction for Action

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Guys and gals; this week, God has been really good to me. I get to help people with what I do and it is somehow, in someway very fulfilling. This is another one so if you can or know some people who would want to help through this event, please do.

On May 25, 2011 there will be a charity auction of these great works of art! All of these are made by the best of the best Philippine design world and they all wanted to help raise funds for UNICEF. They have been helping mothers and kids for a long time now and they need our help. Ms. Daphne Osena - Paez of is heading this cause. She's also the Auction for action Founder and host for the event. Please make sure you bookmark this URL which will go live on May 25. The auction is open to everyone from anywhere in the world.

If you want to know what's up for auction, here's some of them.

“the response from artists has been very encouraging, to say the least. It feels incredible to be able to work with such prominent artists for a worthwhile cause. I’m a great fan of
their work, but now I’m in even greater awe of their kindness and generosity. They put a lot of love and devote a lot of time into everything they create, so I know that beyond the beautiful art piece, the artists are really sharing a part of themselves with UNICEF.“ -Daphne Osena-Paez

Make sure you participate in this auction okay? I'm also counting on the readers that I have in the US, please help!


WINILA Just Got Better: It's WINILA CITY!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

WINILA just got better! From doing the best auction site in the Philippines (WINILA.COM), the people behind WINILA just launched WINILA CITY. Now you'll get the chance to have the best deals in local bars, restaurants, stores and spas nationwide!

How does it work? It's so easy!

1. Go to their website and click on SIGNUP.

Create your login credentials and indicate your acccount details.

2. Make sure you indicate your billing/shipping addresses, you can store different ones on your account.

3. Shop til you drop! You can view and track your orders on the site.

* If the minimum number of people on the offer has been met, the deal would be ON and you'll get the voucher the next day. If not then no one gets the deal and you won't be charged anything on your account.

4. GET IT FOR FREE! If you invite your friends and three of them get the same deal, yours would be free!

Now isn't that a good thing?!

Not only that! Here is the pièce de résistance! If you register now, you'll get a chance to win a MACBOOK AIR! Wherelse can you get more than 50% off on your favorite places and services enjoyed within the limits of the city!

Make sure you like them on Facebook: WinilaCity Philippines
Visit and Register on their website now!

I already won a couple of times in WINILA.COM, you could be next! Now that WINILACITY.COM is here, there will be more discounts and prizes to be won! Join now!

P.S. Watch out for my blog contest soon as your friends from WINILA, WINILACITY and KUMAGCOW throws away 1000 pesos worth of pancake house gift certificates! Don't worry it's going to be easy! =)
