Showing posts with label Benedict Campos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benedict Campos. Show all posts

GRIND: Get Ready It's a New Day!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Have you seen that new show GRIND (Get Ready It's a New Day!) on GMA? I actually missed it last week so I'm a bit sad.

Good thing I had the chance to interview them this afternoon at Palm Grill in Tomas Morato. GMA organized a bloggers conference so we got to see the artists in this project. GRIND is produced by a new company called Wizpher Mac Productions who pitched this show and now it's shown on GMA right after i-Witness. It's a little late, but they were quite confident telling us that they know the story alone could get you hooked in this series. The aim is to bridge the gap between millenials and non millenials, a task quite difficult to understand but we all know that exists right? And let's face it, when people interact with them, they don't get along sometimes. It's a mystery how these not so kids anymore maintain their values. It shows the mindset of millenials, asks questions of why they are driven, how they also work hard for their family. In fact, they are just like the rest of us.

These yuppies are independent, expressive, everytime has a different outfit. Jazz Ocampo plays Solanj, a carefree soul who takes care of her best friend's coffee. Carlo and Solanj are best friends and business partners. Theirs is a pretty cool relationship, but does this automatically mean it's bound for romance?

In the pilot episode, they will start off at different situations, the guy got fired, two ladies had problems. So they got together and put up a COFFEE SHOP. It's where they all pour their passion, you'll see that in their eyes.

He is a millenial, an admitted overachiever. He is socially inept, with an unfriendly vibe, always in the zone, but says he's not really that cold. He keeps the relationships that means a lot to him. The daringness of his character is not just there to show it, it has a purpose, it mirrors young professionals and their lives. Bruno Gabriel quirps "This character may be older than I am but as an actor, this adds to versatility. Carlo succeeded early in college, like the millenials they are, it shows his different experiences. Sexy is just the way it is, I don't feel judged and I think it's a cultural thing."

They also told us about RK played by Benedict Campos. He's a previous Artist Center actor, but is now managed by a different outfit. They described his character like it's the worst among them adding "He's poor because of his own fault. He carries his trolly around like his home, but he's so positive and he's always the happy one. His character is gay, very realistic and not a clown. He attacks his role differently and we think he's the first one who passed the auditions with flying colors. When we read the script, we get surprised by how he executes it, and he's a very interesting character.

Jazz Ocampo adds "Solanj may be a different type of role, a yuppie but Artist Center knows how to put us in characters. I played different ones in the past and I don't think it'll affect our teen image because they train us at workshops, it equipped us in getting different roles.

Ayra Mariano plaus Louie in the show, she says "Louie is a millenial, always on the go, always picking up jobs everywhere and is working for her family with different siblings from differen races. She just ultimately wants to have someone to lean on."

So if you're not doing anything this weekend make GRIND a part of your watching habit. It's an interesting plot, very current, and won't short change you in small amounts of drama, romance, comedy all rolled into one! Again, it's on GMA right after i-Witness.

Thank you to their sponsors for giving away these items :) I like the shirts from BUM and cleaning stuff from Bench!

As a parting shot, here they are inviting you to watch the show!

Fresh Blogs Fast!