Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts

Meet Miss World Philippines Candidate Gwendolyn Fourniol

Monday, May 30, 2022

Negros Occidental is my province and I'm so glad they're being represented well in the Miss World Philippines pageant as Filipino-French lass Gwendolyn Fourniol vies for the title this 2022.

Gwen is pushing for the education platform to promote ERDA Foundation (Edicational Research and Development Assistance) which is a non-stock, non-profit organization aimed to help underprivileged kids to have education and change their lives. This cause is something that hits home for her because her Mom Sim Bolivar (albeit poor) was saved by the organization, got her to finish an AB Psychology degree at Philippine Womens University. This has given her Mom an opportunity to work abroad where she also met Gwen's Father. It's one of the reasons why she's very involved in ERDA's projects, as it has also been her advocacy to help kids, to hopefully have the same chance in life.

For her, Miss World Philippines does beauty with a purpose. She also plans to put up a French language school in the future to hone Filipinos to speak English, Tagalog and French which she also knows. Gwen is curently pursuing an Economics degree in Oxford Brooks based in London, UK and plans to also get internship from multinational corp JP Morgan.

This officially her second shot at the Miss World Philippines title. She's done a remarkable job last time as she was able to get into the top 15 semi finalists. I'm glad to see her becoming a heavy favorite with netizens and pageant enthusiasts but I must say, I'm not surprised. She's got the looks, but best of all, she's got the heart to become a worthy title holder.

Gwen also has a team behind her led by ProMedia's Paul Izon Reyes, Jam Aquino of Belle Salon. They are pioneers of beauty pageants and body building competitions and they trained her differently. She's got the looks, inner strength, very smart and confident. They also believe in her cause and know it puts her ahead of the pack. Hopefully, she'll do good in the Miss World Philippines 2022 pageant, and represent the country in an even larger platform such as Miss World. If Gwen can help thousands get education in the Philippines, if that happens in a world stage, it could make an even bigger impact. Here's to Candidate number 25, wishing you get that title for Negros Occidental, the Philippines and the world!


Gringo Honasan Lauded on VP Debates

Saturday, April 30, 2016

I remember a Greek playwright (born in the golden age) Sophocles once said "I'd rather die with honor than to succeed with fraud." These were the words I think the good looking Senator Gregorio Honasan lived by. We had the chance to interview Senator Gringo a few days right after the Vice Presidential debate and I was a little excited for him because in my opinion, he was one of the few who fared well during that program. 

The man did stick to his principles of not engaging in personal attacks and only concentrated on giving concrete platforms he wants to push for when he gets the chance to become the Vice President of the Philippines. I don't actually find anything wrong with that because honestly, I'm so tired of the mudslinging, the finger pointing, the baseless accusations that's being done only because it's election season. I think that part is quite unhealthy to be heard by the voters today, but it is also essential so we could figure out for ourselves if the man is the right one for the job as this is the second highest post in the executive branch of the government. That takes a lot, and it's not just a spare tire role, serving people in this position should have never been limited to that in the past few years that we've had one. It's time to see a change in the role and Senator Gringo fits the bill of being the crime and security czar which he deems important as we continue build our economy and protect the lives of our loved ones, our family.

He was happy to have learned he's received a milestone in his Facebook page as they reached 100 thousand likes organically which suffice to say is part of the things he wasn't really that all too an expert about in the beginning. This just means part of the people who listened to him in that short stint must have felt his sincerity because ultimately, I felt he wanted people to know what he wanted to do once elected. If the generation in social media took their time to support him after laying out his platforms, that to him is already a win. I don't think the others would have said that, nor are they willing to die for this country as he positioned himself in that predicament several times as a soldier, a rebel, and a Senator of the republic.

I'm an undecided voter, I don't really have a VP yet, so getting a chance to talk to him was a way that I could get my personal questions answered. It's one of the things I do to affirm if a candidate would be fit for my vote, and I wanted to actually do this with the other candidates too. Although sometimes, there's just no time to do it and talk to them in this manner. This is why I'm so glad to have been able to do this with the very humble man.

To be able to share with you that experience, here's some excerpts of my interview on video. It took a lot of time and resources to upload this, I hope you get to appreciate this so please take time to listen in.

He also mentioned his family, and his Presidential candidate in this second bit.

I am no way forcing you guys to vote for him, but in my books he's really an option you can't discount. People should really research about their candidates, I'm glad I got to talk to the honorable Senator. For those who are still undecided like me, he may well be a candidate you should consider. Am I right?


For more information about the honorable Senator:
Gringo Honasan
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Internet Speed a Priority for Augusto "Boboy" Syjuco

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I have to admit, I've been a bit skeptical about this man and his reasons for running for the Presidency a couple of months ago. I didn't read about him that much so I didn't really know. I was far from being an uninformed voter and I do read a lot of news. He was also mentioned to me by a fellow UEnian in one of our chats so I was shocked once I saw his credentials. He was the former TESDA Secretary, a BSBA Graduate (with Latin honors) from UE and Masters in Business Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the US. He chaired tons of very successful corporations and even owned the franchise of 7UP, RC Cola, Jazz Cola which gave international softdrink manufacturers a run for their money in Visayas and Mindanao. He's done so much since and even amassed leadership and managerial experience in those years. He also has received numerous awards, of which he's so proud of as he feels he's really worked for it.

During our small interview in the lawmaker's home, he said "The administration has not answered question, things are on standstill and perhaps they've given no attention on matters like traffic, mrt, human hours lost so we're incurring economic losses because of that. No place to ride or go down, no systems, I don't know where to start telling you where the problems are. Tonight I want to share with you what can we do about it, how it can be done. I have 15 platforms that I woukd want to let the public know and I hope I could do this all at the same time.

I want to build the fastest internet backbone in 2017. In TESDA, we've done a lot of training for BPO services, we give aptitude tests and if they don't pass that we have skills training in 150 different courses all free so they can have a background in how to do things. We are losing 80% of our BPO services because we're slow and can't handle the services here. That's 45 Billion a year, meaning 1.3 Billion employees should have been hired for those internet based jobs if we had the infrastructure. We must equal the fastest in the world or even surpass it so we can maintain that lead over other countries. We are victims of stupidity and non caring of this government and they stand there and think we need 6 more years of this? There's an attempt to fool us, the same people, same banana. On day 7, I'd like to start that program, state of the art, have it be done by "build operate transfer" systems, include to have foreign ownership, remove taxes on oil, petroleum, equipment to do this just like Hong Kong.

Education is the great leveler, we have never given that chance to poor people and I'd like to level the playing field. We should all 15 million to have education, technical education, high school and elementary. We will have the best labor force and have the lowest cost of production in the world because we're charging no taxes. We're only going to do a flat rate of 8-12% in personal and business income taxes. This is what I would want to do.

When I was a congressman, I went to court and I've always heard the reason that they are raising the prices because they lack funds for investment and capital infusion. We need more players, so they don't monopolize the market. We need radical but rational decisions. I've never heard solutions from them. We should include nearby provinces and make a Super Metro Manila. We need a good transportation and communication secretary, a separate one. It's not enough to just have them in one department because these are pressing matters. I hope to do this and make it on day 1 running. We're looking for young and capable people for that.

I am by nature a giver, not a taker. There is no situation in my life that I have taken anything from the government. My left hand will be an iron fist whilst my right hand will be for pabebe wave. Public interest must be prioritized, but we must always be fair but just.

I changed my mind talking to the jolly Congressman. He's got a track record, has helped countless people to get scholarships of which some are also from his own pocket. He's definitely a man you can consider when voting for a president. He's got real education, corporate and public office experience to back it up. Aside from that, he's got the passion to see that technology could help us all in achieving economic success. He's done much of it in his own district and vows he could do it in his own programs if elected in office. Make sure you read up on your candidates and not just listen to advertisements which costs an arm and a leg on TV. You just wonder where they're getting the money for that no? Be educated and be mindful that you have choices, he is one of them.


For more information about him:
Augusto "Boboy" Syjuco
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