Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts

Cooperation in Tech to Fight Global Challenges

Monday, December 06, 2021

Huawei just concluded the Huawei TrustInTech Summit 2021 a few days ago online. The theme this year was about "Global Collaboration for Shared Value" which is very timely especially with the challenges we're facing today.

Dignitaries present in the event include Neil Bush the Chairman of George H.W. Bush Foundation for US-China Relations, Pascal Lamy the Former Director General of the WTO, William Nordhause Nobel Prize winner in Economics for 2018, HE Satvinder Singh the Deputy Secretary General for the ASEAN Economic Community, Derrick Pitts of NASA Solar System Ambassador and Huawei's Senior Vice President and also President of Huawei Digital power. The session includes topics about current challenges in the economy and a cal for global concerted efforts for environmental protection, tech and other key areas was done to face these challenges in the new normal. There has been no perfect time to do it but now especially in these conditions. Satvinder Singh said that the role of private corporations like Huawei would do good especially in assuring inclusive and sustainable economic recovery happens in the region. There has been a lot of opportunity to help especially in trade, transportaion, health, ICT work and climate that Huawei has been doing in recent years. He reiterates that investing in these solutions and setting aside differences would power growth especially in ASEAN as it still has room to do that in the next few years.

Hou on the other hand says that this is part of Huawei Digital Power's devotion to making ways for clean power generation in an effort to have low carbon footprint in every habitable city around the world. Green sourced energy amount to 443.5 billion kWh and savings of about 13.6 Billion kWh has been done since their efforts started. This includes the Philippines wherein they've built power plants from solar and other sources. 


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