Showing posts with label Charo Santos Concio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charo Santos Concio. Show all posts

PIOLO, MATTEO, Ms. CHARO Talk About Sun Life's Health Campaign

Friday, February 18, 2022

These days, what do you need most? Is it Love? Health? Wealth? Time? or Travel? This was actually asked during a Sunlife event this morning.

Alex Narciso the President of Sunlife of Canada (Phils) says "Sunlife has always been a staunch health advocate. Health is a key to a brighter future. This was solidified in 2020 when the pandemic happened. We need to live a fuller life with our loved ones, we need to be more prepared in medical emergencies and in protecting our health. We designed programs to be more comprehensive, we have a wider suite of health products with the evolving health needs of Filipinos. We now have GOWELL for health and wellness content, recipes, workout videos, webinars, promos and perks. We pivoted to become digital so they would be able to connect with advisors without leaving the comfort our our clients homes. We also value health literacy, hence our partnerships with organizations. This includes womens health, breast cancer information, help the greater community pursue a healthier life as well. We have launched projects to uplift the lives of our kababayans in Barangay Health Stations, so they too have access to preventive medicine. The foundation is funding construction for health stations, ensure it has personnel, and so far we have 8 in the municipalities in Batangas. Soon, there will be 42 by 2025. This is also fueled by SunPiology, as we raised funds for scholars, diabetes care, construct better care protecting persons from the disease. Our friends and partners, Sunlife is committed to make Filipinos live healthier lives. We want to re-affirm this commitment because it's worth it!"

Carla Gonzales Chong Marketing and Client Experience OIC for Sun Life Philippines says "We believe that in order to be financially secure, we need to help our clients live healthier lives. We need to take care of their various priorities of not being sick, and COVID-19 impacted a lot of lives. Majority would pay for health supplements, eat healthy, but only few have health and self insurance. Being financially prepared in cases like sickness can take a huge dent in our savings. Sunlife encourages to prepare for it early on, it includes investment in health. Matteo, Piolo believes that it is worth it. We invest in health to provide for our loved ones, to live longer, healthier lives."


Matteo says "I really rely on Sunlife for our life protection plan, for first time insurance buyers, it's affordable but has maximum protection. I am inspired to take care of myself so we have more time for each other. We're celebrating our 2nd anniversary. My wife also takes care of my health."

Piolo says "Sun Fit and Well makes me confident that I'd be taken cared of if the uneventful happens. You need to respect yourself. I told my son to not spend so much while he's in the US. He lives a healthy lifestyle and I don't think I have to remind him anymore, he's taking good care of himself and I know even if the work is hard, he's good physically."

Ms. Charo Santos Concio says "I'm glad I haven't had an investment that I regret, I really had a knack for it and have done a good job. I took the life plans because when my Father passed, it's what kept us afloat life wise. It made us survive during those times, so it's very personal for me."

The two gentlemen and iconic lady will be also releasing a couple of videos depicting their advise for their younger selves. To know more about their new products like the SUN First Aid Plus (which Matteo talked lengthy about), SUN Fit & Well (which Piolo swears by) and SUN ICU Protect (for serious emergency illnesses that Ms. Charo mentioned), you may go to a preferred Sun Life Advisor to get what's apt for you. They are available at and their socials


Piolo Pascual and Judy Ann Santos Reunites at "Money for Life"Campaignfor Sun Life

Friday, July 22, 2016

For those who love Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo and Piolo Pascual's original loveteam, there's more reason to rejoice now. Even though they have their own lives now, one brand seems to have wanted them to be seen together. Together with Ms. Charo Santos, Matteo Guidicelli and Iñigo Pascual, Piolo and Judy Ann is spearheading the "Money For Life" Campaign for our friends from Sun Life. 

"Money for Life" is a new comprehensive and fully customizable financial planning program that would enable Sun Life clients be ensured that they will have sufficient funds no matter where life takes them, or whatever stage of life they may be in. These endorsers pretty much are in different stages in their life, and need different plans so they could focus on life and family. Ms. Charo Santos is enjoying life after retirement. Judy Ann Santos wanted to do more of her investments when she started in show business and now is reaping the fruits of it, so she doesn't have to worry about her kids too. Matteo is of the sporty type, but he knows how he needs to invest today as he's got his own businesses to take care of. Iñigo on the other hand is just starting, but coming from his Dad'a gift, he's rolling over his investments this early because Sun Life will take care of his earnings.

"We have researched a lot and used Nielsen to take a look at how Filipinos can improve their lives. 6/10 do not have investments other than a bank account. 85% says it is important but only 2% have any form of investments, clearly there is a disconnect. A lot of Filipinos have shortage in funds and Sun Life believes in a brighter future. This campaign is to let people know to consult a financial planner so they knwo how to go through their entire lives. To have the support of Matteo, Ms. Charo, Piolo, Iñigo and Juday, people are now hopefully going to think about their future. We hope Filipinos take action towards getting that "Money for Life" for a financial problem free Philippines!" says Ms. Mylene Lopa of Sun Life Philippines.

"This is how we should be pursuing our dreams, we need to save money and buy the only things that we need in life. I look forward that I will be prepared no matter what life throws at me" adds Matteo Guidicelli.

Juday mentions "I am moving up because I already have 3 kids. No joke, but I was already a Sun Life client since Mara Clara days and I listened to a lot of people while I was younger. I wanted my family to be secure, even when I did consider to live in Canada so when I get back, I would have something to go back for. A lot of my financial decisions have changed because I suddenly have to be selfless with my kids, but not forgetting to be still happy so when my kids grow up, I won't worry about them because I balanced everything. I guess in every parent, you want to have your kids to be able to support themselves and know their needs up to a certain extent. You have to explain why they have to save money, make them experience the joy of saving and having their own bank account. They need to do that because it's a very adult feeling but at least they know the value of money. I am happy to let people know that agents can tell you how to get you started, prepare yourself and make sure when you get old, you let your money work for you and choose the right insurance company to be with. They're very good to talk to and Sun Life can work around with any amount so you can plan ahead regardless what your age is. The agents will explain to you these all clearly, you'll be fearless and have confidence that life will be comfortable. We're not putting our eggs in one basket, at least one fourth of our money is invested here and we top up when we can afford it. It really works for me because it's safe."

"Working together for a cause was enough reason to be with Piolo and this isn't a film, so why not!? We have an omnibus, in time, given a project and story we'll do that beacause we just didn't have a project yet. If it will happen, it will happen! During Mara Clara days I felt that I neede to save because I can work for it. I was a fraid to get old and not have projects that time, I was already thinking of our future but I could only do bit by bit. I always have a savings account that I don't touch and part of that is investments, I don't want hardships to happen like with other artists. I started doing financially handling everything when I was 26, it was pretty late. I didn't have apprehensions working with Piolo and it would be harder to say no because I have been doing Sun Life for a long time. Piolo and I are okay, we're not being seen but we do meet and talk ever now and then. We're casual and if there would be a time to talk about the projects we'll have that in due time. We're getting there because I am resting, in this corset, so it's a little diffficult. Basic priorities like bags and shoes are not that basic anymore, you just are happy with your kids as they are in different stages, priorities change as you spend time with them. You want them to live a good life and want them to do their studies and make goals of their own. To listen to them, little things like that, time for my husband and myself, I'm doing it with Sun Life! My best advice is to call a Sun Life Advisor today!"

"I take care of my self and I want to finish the Ironman thing very soon. In this stage where my son is already earning and is responsible, I'm taking care of myself and Sun Life is going to take care of me as they've been in the past already. I also have critical ailments coverage."

"It's very practical and I told Iñigo about how to make sure he had insurance policies to choose from when I started working. I was hesitant for him to be in showbiz because since he's already finishing high school, Sun Life made sure he's going back to college. I also did a short course and it was fun, school should be like that. I learned a lot and I didn't know a lot about my faith but you realize you need to be practical and take advantage of opportunities. Ever since I started working, I knew I needed to save and I've been taught by really great people how to do it. I get commercials before and worked and ever since I knew I had to take care of my self. I don't spend much, I'm not stingy but every chance I get I invest in real estate and policies because I knew I need to. I have 8 or 9 with Sun Life, in different forms as they cater to different needs. Even before Sun Life endorsements, I already had one and I'm always up for more.

Judy Ann and I hopefully will work soon... and we pitched something already, hopefully that will push through. We just need time. Juday and I have always been okay and we've been saying hi when we can. Even if we don't meet that much I consider her a good friend for life. 

I really have enough to retire, I want my kid to have the chance to shine also. My family have businesses and are into real estate. I would like to do a full ironman, hopefully before I turn 40. I don't know how I'll get married but hopefully soon. I don't believe in prenups but I'll cross the bridge when I get there. I'm also thinking of helping more aside from actual investments. Eat right, sleep right, make us feel young, be okay and put your heart in the right place. Iñigo isn't even asking for money since he started working, he knows how to invest and handle his money well. In a sense I can take care of myself better, I sleep more, but I'm always present in his life. I'm also doing this with Sun Life."

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