Showing posts with label Cher Nogara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cher Nogara. Show all posts

Two Toned Hair Colors by Jerusalem N. Dio Salon by Bing Dio

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

I had a wonderful time getting my hair colored yellow a few weeks back - and after almost a month, it kinda grew already. I was covering a few events that month so I didn't have time go drop by Jerusalem N. Dio Salon in Mother Ignacia, Quezon City. Tita Bing Dio must have seen that infamous line on my hair and seen the black line already showing growth of my hair so she asked me to go back and have that fixed. I know, you must think I'm silly going out like that but time wasn't really working in my favor. So when my schedules got freed on a Monday, I went to the salon on a whim and sit my self in a chair thinking of what to do with my hair. Good thing my friend and lovely hairstylist Cher was there to take care of me and suggested we take it up a notch. Since I probably have already tried all the colors in their arsenal possible, she said why don't we try using two colors. This bright idea made me realize that it would be awesome to have something different again. I said yes and we proceeded bleaching my hair so we could take off the yellow color I had originally.

As I always say in my previous posts, bleaching is not an easy process. You must trust the one taking care of your hair and I'm glad that people in Jerusalem N. Dio Salon are like family. Cher Nogara and Tita Bing Dio always took good care of me and they know color. They've done the hair and makeup of countless local and international celebrities so who am I not to be in their char LOL! Then, I had to wait for the bleach to take effect, then after a few minutes of retouching, we rinsed it off on the salon's sink which they've also done quite safely. Remember, after a bleaching procedure you should never ever scratch your hair when rinsing. Then we proceeded with color!

I have a color in mind because I wanted to pay homage to UE and choose Red but Cher suggested we do a two toned mix and have Ash Blonde on top which I haven't really done so we headed on and did that!

After color, she then got me a short hair cut so the edges of my hair would look clean, of course I loved it!

Cher Nogara has been awarded several accolades when she joined different local and international contests, I trust her and Tita Bing Dio for my hair, my color and always go to 58 Pentagrand Building in Mother Ignacia Street (right in front of St. Mary's College of Quezon City) in QC for it. They're on the second floor so just take the elevator or stairs to get your hair color right.

I only trust the best in the industry, and with this color, I'll be hanging out with friends, taking it to UAAP games in it's awesome Two Toned Glory! Thank you so much Cher Nogara and Tita Bing Dio of  Jerusalem N. Dio Salon for loving me, taking care of me and my hair - just like family! Hurry and call or text 0906 267 3099 for appointments today!


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Jerusalem N. Dio Salon by Bing Dio
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Jerusalem N. Dio Salon

Pampered at La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon

Saturday, November 15, 2014

It's been a while since I got my hair worked on by the good people of La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon. I've been carrying bleached hair these past few weeks (as seen with Alice Dixson) and it has grown out a few inches already. I was trying to grow it out a bit so I'd have longer hair, and perhaps style it a bit later on. It turned out to be unruly because when my hair reaches this long, it tends to have a life on its own. Big curly hair that won't stay in place, yes I've got it all in the bag. Funny but if you were in my shoes, you'll shed a tear or two, or just have tantrums the whole day.

My stylist Cher Nogara asked me what I wanted to do with my hair. She knows I'm crazy when it comes to that and since I haven't gone red yet, I told her to do so that afternoon. The thing is I already had my hair bleached so I asked what would happen of we just covered it all and didn't bleach anymore (as it is a painful process). She figured since I had parts of it already white, it'll turn bright when doused with the red color we're planning. A two toned red? That sounded mighty fine by me so we went ahead and did it after a short shampoo.

While my color was processing, she suggested I get a foot scrub too. Now I don't do this on a regular basis so please don't shoot me, oh and don't squirm on the hairy legs because I'm a quarter Spanish (had to put in a lot of disclaimers) but it was real good. The minty, menthol on small bowls you see ended up in the water used to soften my feet. I got a fruity scrub too which smelled like strawberries, something to exfoliate the skin during the massage I got in the calves - and that got it dreamy. They hit it right in the spot where it was hurting when I walked so it was super duper good!

They then covered me in mud that had eucalyptus tones on it, it was so cold. It was the perfect way to end that bit but they started buffing my nails like clockwork so a pedicure ensued. Pampering while waiting for my color to take effect? I must say, this wasn't a bad idea. I should have been doing this a long time ago haha!

Now it's shiny! :) I also got colorless thingy on it so it'll last longer. So nice no?!

Cher and her team immediately got me rinsed, then they put in treatment on my hair so my hair would turn out relaxed and manageable. She then whipped up a dab or two of their imported wax (which you can purchase from the salon) and got me the hairstyle I always carried. It looked even better now that I have longer hair. A few hours in the salon never felt this good!

Now just look at my hair! :) Doesn't that just make you smile?! 

I always get what I want when I drop by La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon. Thanks to Cher Nogara and their team for making me feel this good every time I step out of their salon. They are located at the 2nd Floor EK Building #50 Don Antonio II Holy Spirit Drive in Quezon City. Call them for appointments 09264563433 or 09231371547. They are open from 10am to 8pm and you can also just walk in. Why be boring when you can have hair this good right? 🐮


For more information about their salon:
La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon
La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon
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Turning Blue: La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Would you mind playing this video first?

You see, I haven't paid attention to my hair these past few days and got it to grow a bit longer than usual. Since it's a tad curly it went bonkers on me and went unruly. I looked like Einstein and I couldn't handle it anymore so I did the next best thing. I went back to La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon in #50 EK Building at Don Antonio Heights in Quezon City. It's quite near EVER Commonwealth and right before Jollibee in that area. My hair stylist Cher takes good care of me and doesn't limit my imagination when it comes to cut and color. After all, she's won awards for this and pretty much done the same for artists and celebrities from different stations. Now it's time for me.

My roots were already showing because of normal growth so they had to take care of that by bleaching. This is done so I could have the same shade of color later on. As always, I must say that bleaching is NOT for everybody. It is a little painful so you have to understand it's only for those that could withstand it. Aside from that, there are obvious risks but I trust them this much that I only do it when I'm with them. I've never ever been so glad.

After a short round of bleaching, they got my hair rinsed and blow dried. Now that it's already in the same shade, it's time for color! :)

My favorite color in the world is BLUE. That's exactly why I chose this color. It's not weird, it's just different so I'm keeping it in this shade for a while. I plan to grow it even longer but had them cut the sides so I won't look scruffy.  They also put in treatment serums on my hair and the results were just amazing. It became more soft and manageable, and I think it gave the color of my hair an even brighter look. They took care of me like family and you can't get that anywhere else. It's exactly why I trust them with my hair.

Don't be afraid to experiment, talk to your stylist and tell them what you want to happen. I've googled my hairstyle and checked my options. I think this one just fits me. About this time, another guy was actually in the salon getting his hair curled so it could look like this. I am blessed with curly hair already so it gave my hair the height it needs for this! It's not often that I say that I love my curly hair but this is one of the occasions. 

True enough, after a few snips here and there, my hair turned out with the perfect BLUE that I was looking for. Some people are even telling me it turns purple when seen in different lighting conditions and that's just the best complement I've ever received since having it.

Thank you so much to La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon for taking care of me. I'll wear this BLUE hair proud out on the streets and in other events. I'm sure people would just love it just like I do! If I were you, I'd also take advantage of the sale from's La Belleza promo and get deals up to 80% off it's original price.

Or just head on over to their salon at the 2nd floor of the EK Building, at #50 Don Antonio II, Holy Spirit Drive in Quezon City. Call them for appointments at 09264563433 / 09277172014. They'll surely take care of you.


For more information about their stores:
La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon
La Belleza Hair and Nail Salon
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