Showing posts with label Cholo Barretto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cholo Barretto. Show all posts

Alwyn Uytingco Stars in Dramedy Series "Beki Boxer"

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Punching his ways into your homes and into your hearts with pink fabric, rainbows and glitters is this new program named Beki Boxer from TV5. It stars Alwin Uytingco as he plays the role of Rocky Ponciano a simple gay guy who wished to be a beauty queen but turned into full time boxer just to protect his Dad and family's name. It reflects on the the Filipino psyche of "Family First". It also delved into the LGBT view of sacrificing yourself for the ones you love, taking out the dreams of a guy who just wanted it all to come true. 

Looks promising? Yeah! I think they will be gambling a lot in terms of having this program done on their channel but with the Directors of Zombadings and the other Kape Barako on their helm, this is going to be something that onlookers would really have to see. The dramedy promises that it will be funny as hell but as touching like a buckets of tears. When asked about possible conservative Church people probably finding this a bit offensive, they said that even the Pope says a lot what should be done when there are gender sensitive issues on the line, they're right on that part to say that the Church should accept anyone regardless of their orientation.

The cast also includes Claire Hartell Ruiz, Vin Abrenica, Christian Vasquez, Onyok Velasco, Joross Gamboa, Cholo Barretto, Candy Pangilinan, Bekimon and tons more. The series will show on TV5 starting on March 31'st. We already watched the first one and judging from the looks of the press who were also there, they definitely liked it! This is a big break for Alwyn Uytingco and he's been very busy with this station. I guess it's the right time and the right project. Hope it does wonders for your career because you've been working hard I know.


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MMFF Entry: 10,000 HOURS

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

24? Bourne Identity? Bourne Series? Nope, Robin Padilla wants it BIGGER.. So the title of this film is 10,000 HOURS. It stars Robin Padilla, Mylene Dizon, Carla Humphries, Michael De mesa, Cholo Barretto, Winwyn Marquez, Markki Stroem and Bela Padilla Directed by Bb. Joyce Bernal.

This is predicted as the biggest and most explosive MMFF entry slated to win all major awards - a feat claimed by many but proven by a few. It's a film in search for truth in a political society full of trials, corruption and death. Senator Gabriel Alcaraz who wanted to divulge everything started running around the world and find the right place and time to do it.

This is the comeback film of Robin Padilla and in the wings of Bb. Joyce Bernal.. This action film should spark an enthralling return of materials like these in Philippine cinema.  

Mylene Dizon plays the role of Ana Alcaraz who needed to be strong as her husband runs for his life and left to fend for her family. Michael De Mesa plays General Dante Cristobal who was assigned to look for Senator Gabriel Alcaraz - he was a principled man who once trained with the Gabriel and tackled this film with intelligence, filmed entirely in Amsterdam. This is a story with essence, it's something that's going to fight other film giants in MMFF.Though they have very young Producers, they are not afraid... they even see this is as an advantage. They are not afraid to gamble more so because they have the stars to pit against blockbuster giants this December 25th!

Will there be a Senator like him in the future? I don't know, but we can only hope there would be one soon. People, this one's a good film to watch and if it's not too much to ask please watch it. It is in some way based in the life of Senator Panfilo Lacson but tweaked a bit (I think) and you'll only get to see that in theaters this coming December 25th as part of the Metro Manil Film Festival! 

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