Showing posts with label Compassion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compassion. Show all posts

SANOFI PH Holds Event on Power To Love Yourself

Friday, July 23, 2021

The importance of self care has something Filipinos have less grasp of because we often sacrifice ourselves for family or friends. It's something that we do because of culture, our being family-centric and the pressures of society to become successful so you can provide for your loved ones. Question is, if you don't take care of yourselves, how can you take care of others?

In a recent event of Sanofi PH, they invited speakers and executives to talk about how we can use our energy and time to also do self love. How do you do it? Simple things, taking a long hot bath, taking a vacation, eating the best dish there is, or spending time pampering yourself. It's not only healthy for the body, but even the mind if you do that. During these days wherein times are blurred between work and time for family (because we're practically all working at home), we need to make sure that we have that ME time. It's a time to recharge before you do work, or maybe take time to rest right after that.

Self care is long term, you do it so you don't implode. It can be as simple as talking to someone, making meaningful connections, to make sure you have a healthy mental well being. We have to make sure that we have ourselves taken cared of so we won't fall off our horses when the actual rodeo starts. It was nice to hear insights from ladies who handle it well during the IG live session. Thank you Sanofi for inviting us this afternoon!


Hiro Peralta, Renz Valerio and Betong's Birthday

Friday, November 14, 2014

We spent the afternoon at the Christian Compassion Ministries in Antipolo City. It's a place for abandoned girls and the foundation takes good care of them. There are kids, tweens and teens here and the center highly regards ways to protect their identities, therefore we weren't able to take photos of them during the event. As you may know, they believe that everyone has a right to  education, play, and faith. Stars from GMA Hiro Peralta, Renz Valerio and Betong went here to share their blessings. They are celebrating their birthdays in a very meaningful way and I've seen their faces light up as they arrived at the venue. 

Betong says he knows that these kids are probably going through different hardships and they've got different reasons why they ended up here. He advised them not to think about it and suggests they live a full life and never stop dreaming. He also sang a few songs to entertain the girls while they were given gifts by YSA Skin Care, Monreo Biscuits, Active White, Sundance and Magnolia. Betong is also starring in Shake Rattle and Roll XV in December, Bubble Gang and Sunday All Stars. He introduced himself as Dingdong Dantes and that made us laugh!

Renz Valerio gave these girls a show by dancing to the latest beats. They enjoyed and appreciated it so they started dancing with him. Renz gave away shirts from his sponsors as well. By the way, he's a regular in Walang Tulugan and gigs in different GMA shows too. He wishes these kids to have a better life, education and thanks them for supporting his shows in the past.

Hiro was happy to see them. He's the apple of the eye of the girls who screamed once or twice during his song. He's a very spirited singer and his charm is unquestionable. Aside from his stint in Tween Hearts and My BFF, he's going to be part of Yagit soon and wishes the kids could get to watch him and their shows when allowed to by the people from the shelter. He thanks the people there who prioritize education and takes care of their welfare. 

Thank you so much to the kind people of Christian Compassion Ministries who still continue to take care of these kids who are in dire straights. You are making their lives better and for that I laud you. Cheers! Here's to more meaningful birthday celebrations from GMA Artists!


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