Showing posts with label Contours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contours. Show all posts

CONTOURS Body Design Studio's LASERFIT Works!

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Okay ladies and germs. This one is a bit personal.

I am FAT. I'm proud that I have worked on this body so hard that from a tiny winy skinny boy from way back to now a big guy that's clinically obese type 2 if that's on record. You think all those days of blogging about food and attending numerous events won't catch up, but it does. What's miserable is that it came to a point where I was already having a hard time tying my shoe because my cute little stomach area is already huge. Oh yes and the infamous double chin is showing already no matter how hard I try to hide it via all the photographer known poses known to man.

I never fat shamed myself or anyone for that matter, but once that it does get a little uncomfortable to breathe or move... I thought I had to do something before I'd consider diet and gym. Think of it as a jump start, something that would make myself at least capable of comfortably doing the things I used to do and start moving again and become a more "normal" me. It's not bad to be fat don't get me wrong, but my gut was just in the way when I tried working out and to tell you honestly I wasn't doing much progress aside from profuse sweating.

I'm afraid of going under the knife so one of the nicest things I've tried recently is called LASERFIT. This is one of Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute's non surgical treatments and I gave it a try last month. I wasn't in the best physical form to begin with and the process pretty much has three phases. If your goal is weight loss, you will be advised to get a low carb and calorie diet. Aside from that, you will have to work out right after the treatment. Aside from the actual 10 minute workout video, I also went to my gym and used my gym membership to good use. I've only been paying for it for a couple of months even when I wasn't going to the gym. It really takes discipline to get something out of this.

The whole LASERFIT process depends on this contraption. It's a machine that introduces a "cold laser" designed to melt fat. Now I am a skeptic and I don't really believe in things like these especially when they use "light" to do it. I have undergone about 8 sessions which I religiously had done in a span of 4 weeks. I had to go back to the clinic twice a week (which is the recommended way to do this) and tried to do the workout they have designed after the treatment.

Now I don't want you to get grossed out so I'm not going to post anything nude with me on the frame. Let's just say that my waistline is so huge that I often only get sizes in Surplus and foreign shops because  I don't have that Asian body type. I'm a little Hispanic, hence the larger built. I needed to do this for myself because I want to jump start my workout and lose a few inches before I do it. The treatment only takes around 40 minutes each side (front and back) so it would take you around 1 hour and 20 minutes to finish the session. After that, you have to do the workout indicated on the video below which would take you 10 minutes. Sounds easy? NO. It's hard as hell. For a person who's a little on the heavy side like me, it was so difficult to do it on the first few days. I was dreading the part of the burpees, and when I posted it on Facebook for my friends to see, I saw a LOT of them having a hard time with it too. That made me realize that it was normal and I had to do it again at home so I wouldn't be having a hard time when I do it after the sessions.

Here's the workout video:

After this workout, you MUST remember to hydrate. Drink a glass of water or two, or bring your own bottle for convenience. I needed to breathe after this 10 minute intense exercise and I'm sure you will have to do that too. Rest and freshen up before you go out of Contours. They have shower and comfort room facilities so you can change if you plan to go somewhere else. My gym was actually just a floor down so I would always just go out and run, lift weights some more. 

The Verdict

Again, I'm a skeptic and I don't believe light could actually melt fat. But oh boy, I was wrong. In the second week, I already saw a huge difference in my tummy area. I concentrated the machine more on that because I wanted to lose my beer belly (even though I don't drink that much). That pouch has been troubling me tying my shoes, or just moving fast when I need to but now I don't even have to exert that much effort which is totally tops. My clothes fit quite well and just a few weeks ago I already bought my first pair of pants after the procedure. Let's just say I bought a FULL SIZE lower than what I usually buy at department stores. I went back a week after my sessions and had them measure me again. I lost about 3.5 inches in my whole body which is a remarkable amount already. I've also been gaining muscle because I've been lifting weights in the gym again. The great thing is, my friends and family do notice that my stomach area is a lot smaller than it used to. My shirts fit better, my pants is a size smaller, how can I not be happy right?

I'd like to thank the people over at Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute. Over the span of 4 weeks, they have been steadfastly following me up so I don't miss any appointments. They have also helped me during the hard days of working out in their private gym, made sure that if I needed help they're always there to attend to me. 

I lost a huge part of my beer belly, I don't even miss it one bit. I think this NON SURGICAL PROCEDURE would be VERY GOOD for men who would want to lose a couple of inches before they get married, or perhaps just about anyone who would want to fit in those clothes you've been keeping in the closet for along time, YES, those clothes that you wished you would fit again if you lost the weight (which probably didn't happen). Getting it done in Contours is a choice but what I can assure you is that LASERFIT in their center works. Honestly I wouldn't even have believed cold laser actually works, but it did. You may go ahead and call them at (02) 6354984. Contours Body Design Studio is located at the 5th Floor Building B of SM Megamall. You can also email them at for inquiries of treatments and their corresponding prices.


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The Philips Multigroom Series 1000 (Model MG1100) for Precise Edges and Contours

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Philips Multigroom Series 1000 (Model MG1100) for Precise Edges and Contours.
Now this is the new Philips Multigroom Series 1000 (Model MG1100) made specifically for Precise Edges and Contours. I was excited to have one of these because as you may have figured out by now, my hispanic lineage does come with extra baggage. Aside from being the curly guy all my life, I've been blessed extremely hairy from a scale of 1 to gorilla. That goes the same with my facial hair. I can grow a good short beard in a few days. If I decide to let it grow out it'll take me a week or two to have a full one but looked quite haggard because of stubble growth everywhere. I have to take my precious time after a bath to cut along the edges, check on the mirror and see if I at least have it all precisely cut. Somehow, it's like trial and error, unless I go to bespoke barber shops and have them do it for me. Now that just costs a fortune to do on a regular basis and having a Philips Multigroom Series 1000 was just perfect because I want to do it on my own.

Philips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision Shaver

Now I use two electric shavers currently, one at home (the Carrera which I got from the US), and the other for travel (the Korean Shengfa). I also use the 5 blade manual ones just for fun. Both these shavers won't actually be able to help me if I'm already working on the part where I have to sculpt the inner section of my beard. It just won't fit. That goes the same with the hair growing on my sideburns too. Having a precision shaver does the trick because as you can see, these two would be too big in that place in between your lips and chin. The only thing you would be able to do in that case is to totally take it out, but I like my beard too much because if you frame my face with the right amount of hair, you would look thinner and make your face look a little longer. (oh yes I know about every camera trick there is in the book!) I guess I learned a lot from shooting models and portraits and applied it on myself.

Philips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision Shaver

The Philips Multigroom Series 1000 (Model MG1100) is packed really neat in one box. It's got the actual unit, a manual/product information sheet, 4 attachments, a mini brush to clean the shaved hair and one penlight battery for free.  

Philips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision Shaver

The motor is pretty strong, I could tell how it works with the attachments and it's pretty easy to figure out even without reading the manual. Although, I highly recommend you do that so you know what part goes where. The thing is, this Philips Multigroom Series 1000 (Model MG1100) is one of the easiest to put together. You just have to look at the arrows if you're attaching the head or the battery on the bottom, then a little twist to lock it up. I couldn't believe it's just powered by 1 battery because as I said, it seems powerful enough to do the job.

Philips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision Shaver

I used the Large attachment first so I could take out the longer strands of hair on my face so I could thin it out. Then after that, I used the Small attachment to cut it even more closer to the face. After that, I used the one with the metal holes on it so I could do precise shaving. Make sure you don't have a wet face while doing this as it'll make the job harder. The damp, toweled, and thoroughly moisturized face would do. 

Here's a demo via a damn good looking guinea pig, me!

Philips Precision ShaverPhilips Precision Shaver

To clean it up, use the small brush that came with your kit and lift the cover of your fine shaver attachment. Make sure you clean it all up before you put it back in the box. Check out the brand and other products on the same line for grooming. It's one of the best things I've tried, if you're looking for one make it a Philips!


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Lose Your Love Handles at Contours Body Design Studio

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

This is my first time to actually be in Contours Body Design Studio in Megamall and also our first time to see Dr. Claudine Roura. Dr. Roura has been in the business for quite some time now and she's making skin services available for Filipinos closer by putting up branches of Contours Body Design Studio all throughout the metro. Her expertise is Vaser High Definition Liposculpture and she is the only one currently certified to do the procedure in the country. Vaser Hi Def Lipo is what people in the US and Europe do to actually have a more defined and sculptured physique. If you're working out too much and have everything fixed except for the tummy area and those love handles, or still can't see those abs, then this is the perfect procedure for you. You can ask their main clinic about it and check their numbers here.

Dr. Roura showed me some before and after photos of past patients and it was shocking to say the least. I've heard some of them have undergone the procedure and now are professional models. I guess it's an investment that would be superbly perfect for men who want to show washboard abs as it looks perfectly defined once it heals.

Speaking of lipo, there's another treatment that they have in the clinic that can shed off weight without undergoing the knife. It's called Laserfit.

Contours Megamall

 This contraption is actually a cold laser. What it actually does is make the fat melt in the areas that it's originally in. After fat reduction, you need to burn this out from your system. As explained to us, it's done by another bodily process that involves the liver - as it clears toxins/fat from the body.

Contours Megamall

 Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute is also doing a holistic approach to keeping the weight off so aside from Laserfit, they've got Accutrim (that uses this machine above) which is a non drug based appetite suppressant. It's much like a no needle acupuncture procedure that will curb your hunger and hasten to produce more endorphins (the happy hormone). The procedure will take 4 weeks and the effects will last another 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. Your Laserfit doesn't come with a diet so when you also take Accutrim, you'll feel less hungry and feel the need to gain back those unwanted fat, or eat much. It's a lifestyle change and this one makes you take out excessive food intake from the equation. Isn't this part nice?

Contours Megamall

Their branches also have small workout rooms where you can actually do some moves right after you've undergone the procedure. Now, I haven't tried these yet but I am planning to do Laserfit and Accutrim in the next few weeks. If you see me get a little thin, please let me know and I'll tell you if it was because of Contours. I can't wait to see the results!


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