Showing posts with label Crashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crashes. Show all posts

The Presidential Chopper Crash

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I am shocked about this news I heard about premier government officials who was initially reported lost with a chopper off Benguet province but are now being declared dead by the hour since it was reported to have crashed along the mountains yesterday afternoon. The cause was bad weather and initially they were only doing ocular inspection of a project that was meant to be seen the day after by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. They were supposed to be the head party but after this particular incident, I guess there would not be anymore flights soon.

Now there are 8 recovered bodies from the crash site. Ifugao Governor Teodoro Baguilat, Jr. said that this is the death toll confirmed and according to Tinoc, Ifugao Mayor Lopez Tugong.

Baguilat said that there are no details where specifically their bodies were found as the Bell 412 wreckage was seen in his municipality. He added that tommorrow they would be able to identify the victims with the help of forensic experts. Search operations will still continue until the last one is found. They are still trying to see if there are going to be survivors but chances seem a little low now since they found the bodies. Because it is already hard to go in that location and it is already night time the priority is to at least get the bodies transported to the municipal and have them examined. Some of the bodies were burned beyond recognition. This is just really sad news.

These are high ranking officials from Malacanang and it is sad that this had to happen. It was about 4PM when they left Loakan Airport in Baguio. I have a question though, how air worthy are our aircrafts? What if Arroyo was the one in the chopper? That would just be really dangerous! The last time there was contact with the chopper was around 5 PM where the crew reported zero visibility in their area. Oh my, let's pray for them!


TURKISH Airplane Crashes in Amsterdam

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When I arrived at home after working out in the gym, I passed by the family room and saw videos of another plane crashing in Europe. According to the news, there were about 135 people on that plane. When it landed on the muddy part of the landing strip, there were 9 people who died because the fuselage of the aircraft split in half because of the impact. There are also about 50 people who got injured and are all in critical condition. This may well be another one caused by birds getting caught in the aircraft's engine but since they are not sure yet, we all may have to wait for further investigation. What's sure is that this is not caused by any terrorist activities. The fatalities are also low because there was no fire when the plane landed even if the fuel containers of the aircraft succumbed to a very hard hit on the wings.

The pilots Hasan Tahsin, Olcay Ozgur and Murat Sezer were not injured. They did not also know why this crash occured because they were about to land when this happened. They did not have time to react because everything was over in about 10 seconds. Air pockets that low maybe? There is a lot to investigate about this incident. I hope the injured people are okay. (-_-)
