Showing posts with label Department of Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Department of Education. Show all posts

Canon Marketing Philippines Launches SIKAP

Monday, February 20, 2017

I spent the afternoon at the Department of Education NCR office to witness the forging of partnerships between DepEd, Marylindbert International and Canon Philippines. The goal is to provide students, teachers and parents some perspective on how to take care of important and pertinent documents relevant to their lives, including physical and digital archiving and let then have access to high quality printing and scanning devices which only Canon has.

Marylindbert International's CEO Madame Linda Legaspi says "This marks another milestone in our partnership with DepED as we forge ahead and move forward with our advocacies. We have a lot of challenges, but we do have happy endings. This 35 year relationship has made it even solid, as Canon Marketing Philippines and we converge to preserve our true Pinoy identity. Our students need to know their past, their heritage, and preserving documents do we know who we are. SIKAP (School Immersion and Key Advancement Program) is an advocacy of Canon Philippines for the importance of effective archiving and history. For continuing to believe and inspiring us to continue, thank you!"

Canon Marketing Philippines' Christine Dacanay says "Canon Marketing Philippines is very glad to meet with school representatives so we could introduce to you SIKAP. We want to introduce archiving, ID's, Birth Certificates, in keeping memories alive and safe, we come better prepared in future generations. We need to teach children the value of keeping memories, in our 20th year, our dream to reach schools nationwide starting with 20 right now. Hopefully we could do this soon!"

Dr. Ponciano Mengito, the Regional Director of the Department of Education-NCR says "I personally have had the experience of seeing images from 50 years ago, pictures of yesteryears. This will be implemented with in pilot schools, and eventually nationwide. We are saving these documents in digital form and even bringing in innovation and let them know the importance of archiving and history. It's more than being emotional, we can't go back to the past but preserving these documents are part of our identity. It's how we can explain later on who we are. We at NCR want to promote accessibility and quality for afforded education. Thank you to CANON Marketing for your CSR work. This will benefit a lot of people now, and in the future."

Congratulations Canon Marketing Philippines! This is so good in so many ways!

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Birch Tree Fortified and DECS Launches "Me and My Milk"

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Birch Tree has been the go to brand of milk by Filipinos for ages and in simple ceremonies at the Department of Education in Meralco Avenue, Pasig City they just launched "Me and My Milk" which is an advocacy program of their brand Birch Tree Fortified. Their aim is to improve nutrition not just at home, their schools, but the whole community.

Witnessing this occasion was the star of hit afternoon TV show Be Careful With My Heart, the one and only Richard Yap together with child star Mutya Orquia. 

Melinda Legaspi, CEO of Merylindbert International says "This is another milestone, you are all witnesses to this great partnership. We have passion for education and yearning for knowledge, there are a lot of people who worked hard for this advocacy and we thank you for that. Delegates from Laguna, Bataan, Bulacan, Batangas and other places are here, we humbly welcome you.

Erwin Africa GM of Snow Mountain Dairy Corporation adds "Education is not just feeding minds, but also feeding a strong healthy body. Milk is for the young, and young at heart, its good for everyone but in the Philippines we fortunately are under the daily consumption of milk compared with our Asian neighbors. We will have this educational program to encourage children to eat healthy so they get the right nutrition. Initially it will be in Luzon, and will involve the parents and community too. Some students will be given milk to start a great milk drinking habit."

Senior Product Manager of Birch Tree Fortified Lea Macalincag introduced their new brand ambassadors Richard and Mutya, proudly even singing a jingle and another song for the delighted crowd.
Undersecretary Dina Ocampo of the Department of Education thanked everyone who has been part of the program and wished them all success. It's something definitely worthy to celebrate about since this will benefit thousands of children all over the country. It's a step to the right direction and it doesn't stop there. You can do it too right in the comfort of your homes since Birch Tree Fortified is available in leading drug stores, supermarts and groceries. You just have to drink milk, especially if you lost the habit. 

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