Showing posts with label Domingo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domingo. Show all posts

Who is Eugene Domingo?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I watch your movies Eugene Domingo! ^_^

I am a huge fan of Eugene Domingo and I ain't ashamed to say that out loud in my site ^_^. Her crazy antics and punchlines are the best a comedic actress would ever spurt out. Her timing and unprecedented candidness on and off movies are worthy for me and my friends to take notice. It was when we said, hey this girl's funny... we'll follow her movies! and it didn't end there.

My friends and I religiously watched her movies even if we obviously didn't like her co stars. We enjoy and adore her. Although I know, some pinoys would probably ask "Who is Eugene Domingo?".

I'm sure you watched her a couple of times in TV. If you are a theater addict like I was in college you probably watched one of her shows as well. She is a good actress from UP and I think there are a couple of merits to her name as well, but just this afternoon I read off a showbiz website that a couple of movies were pulled off from her... I tried to check out why... it turns out a clash between Mother Lily Monteverde and Eugene's manager Ricky Gallardo was the culprit. This in turn got 4 of her movies pulled out from her. The manager however belies this statement from Mother Lily saying "Its different if you got a movie pulled out, than not accepting the offer at all because we did not accept it to tell you frankly". I believe the manager in this case because Mother Lily had agreed upon prices for these films, but at the last minute she wanted a lower price which in turn stressed out the manager and Eugene. The only thing that the manager wanted was "WORD OF HONOR" because everything was set already. This is one big deal for anyone who knows the word "Professionalism".

Mother Lily says "Bhaka malowogi Negoshoh" lolz!

I am starting to hate Mother Lily but what can we do really. It's a good thing that a couple of films and her launching movie is still in play, otherwise I would really despise producers like that who don't honor their words just to earn a buck.
