Showing posts with label E-commerce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-commerce. Show all posts

Building a New Website!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My photography career seem to have climbed up a notch after getting breaks here and there after my stint/workshop from a famous fashion photographer based in New York. I wouldn't say otherwise because I know I have been blessed. Gigs have been surfacing here and there for me and I'm getting really busy even on a weekend - which is normally a non working day for me. I want to put up media that would be able to show off my portfolio but I probably would be better off and just build a business website with my name as domain. Making one with institutions like Market Juice would make everything easy and if it materializes it would be easy to maintain everything. I don't need to add something to my currently "busy" life that would cause me to worry more. I'm gunning for something very low maintenance and easy to fix if I need to update it. I also need something that would be at par as far as design is concerned since I am in an industry where first impression matters.

This is my niche and I have been working on this craft for a few years now. I've obviously gained experience and a lot of other things that I need to have in order to be successful in this business. I hope with each step I take from here on it would be to advance my hobby turned career which is definitely not in the comfort zone. I will succeed if I make the right choices early on and building an impressive; professional looking web site would be one of them! Wish me luck!


What You Need Now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I have been posting away in this site for about three years and I have encountered a lot of problems accessing it from different parts of the world. I am usually the one who configures everything from the FTP site to the design, deciphering CSS AND HTML codes but I have a couple of times had problems with hosting my site. I wanted to find a reliable one because I get about a couple of thousand views each week. I would want to make their experience as good as mine.

Being the geek that I was, I looked for thousands of pages in the Internet to find that one special place most web masters recommend to host their site. As a budding publisher myself, I never really thought about prices because I depended on quality instead. If they can get to satisfy other web masters and owners, then I could probably be in their shoes too. I will probably choose one that exactly meets my demands as a regular writer. With that in mind, I know web hosting will be a cinch for them. They would also probably recommend something that would be cost efficient. We work hard for the money!

If I also plan to expand my on line businesses then I could always ask their experts about where to get a reliable ECOMMERCE Solution. That would really be a big help for me and beginners in this industry. I hope they never get to see the horror stories I had before when I was a newbie! Make the right choice!
