Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts

Who caused TV5's Presidential Debate Delays?

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Had the chance to talk to Ms. Luchi Cruz Valdez head of TV5's News and Current Affairs. She's a seasoned anchor, donned several other stations before landing in the happiest network. They've done a good job hosting the 2nd Presidential debate, albeit some brouhaha over the delays that happened before the actual thing happened. We got to ask her questions about it plus how they plan to actually do "Bilang Pilipino" (which is a Filipino term that connotes counting/being Filipino). They felt this was the perfect word  to describe what they intend to do this election season and in hindsight, they've fared mighty well with the viewers and netizens. I've heard really good feedback as far as how they hosted it goes. They're even the best they say, and Ms. Luchi Cruz Valdez told us why.

"Our graphics are tailored for the television viewer with explanation by experts, our editors, reporters, correspondents that would easily understandable and relevant. Our data is based solely on data, how a province, a city did the last time. It's some kind of discussion that should be spurred by reliable sources, not by unverifiable ones like in social media. If we don't verify, most often than not we wouldn't show it on TV5. 

My first election was the snap elections, but I covered more was when I was in GMA for the Ramos era. You always seek the truth, we mirror what people want yo ask. We also ask what we ourselves want to know, the rest is a follow up. You need to listen, be sharp, draw it from the candidate because that's where the story is. We asked targeted questions, so candidates listen to the other candidate, that's what made our debate successful. We observed that before. It's a hard job for the moderators, they had no choice when we had a meeting by their representatives. It's the format, we didn't ask questions that much and stayed to regulate because once that you do ask questions, you'll look like you're grilling the candidate. Targeted questions was the secret of our debate. We will have 5 sets of anchors, we get to talk more intimately and it was all hands on deck. The brainstorming was intense, it was really high. Our data will be the product of discussion of analysts, of campaign strategists and they'll know because they will feel it. We'll show factors why they won the last time and bring data to prove who will win next.

The precincts open at 5am and it will last 24 hours, if no cheating takes place. Most probably the next day, we'll already know the clear winner. It's because it's a real debate, we did a CNN and Fox thing but there are rules on time. We did that in  effect. It's not so much entertainment but we want people to finish it. In an election coverage it's not a concern, it's quickness of mind, being decisive and see who flares up or have a blank mind. It is important to think fast and you can measure that in a debate, law students go through that every year. In meetings, they asked to have 8 minutes so they can tell their platforms, but we didn't go through that because this is a debate.

In the end, VP Binay went on stage and he just put the documents on the foot of the podium so they could. I was surprised that I got good feedback after that apology. Every question must be planned, we changed it 4 times during brainstorming. We had to be transparent, we only had to ask half of the questions because of the delay. There were a lot of nice ones we didn't get to ask. We had arguments, we had our own debates with their representatives, we had go stand our ground because we didn't want it to be a sleeper. I think our debate was a lot like a benchmark, they had to be the ones to face criticisms and not fear a debate when they are running for office. I can't tell but debates helped a lot for people to form decisions and indecision. That is good all around."

Here's how it went during out intimate luncheon:

Part 1 talks about how they conducted TV5's debate. Listen in.

Part 2 details how some questions got asked, concentrating on HOW they would explain their platform.

 Part 3 tells about how to actually choose leaders, choosing the right combination of people that will run this country:

Part 4. Wait for the last part where she details what happened in the debate during the delays.

This small chat was both enlightening and educational for most of us. She also details the cause on why we had to wait that long for the second Presidential debate. They researched well, prepared a lot but if in cases like these where mishaps occur, they were ready to apologize if they needed to.

Make sure you stick to TV5 and AKSYON TV if you want to see the Bilang Pilipino coverage. It's going to start on May 9, 2016 and it will be uninterrupted, until the President and Vice President is formally announced. This is going to be long! There's a lot more you should know, this is a continued process and if time permits you'll get those undecided voters something to base their judgements too. I appreciate the fact that she didn't hold back about telling us who caused the delays. At least now we know!


For more information about their show:
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TV5 Partners with Social Weather Stations

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This elections has been ever so important as the Philippines gear towards ever spurring economic growth, an increasing GDP rate and a bright outlook in the next couple of years. We've never been so divided in opinions (as seen on social media) and people treat this one seriously as they've been fed up with the current people in the government, unemployment and poverty.

TV5 recently hosted quite a good Presidential debate and have continued to inform the general public about happenings in the elections through their "Bilang Pilipino" coverage. During the Presidential debate in Cebu's UP Campus, they also initiated a panel mobile survey designed by SWS. Two days before the much awaited event, they sampled 1,200 validated registered voters and distributed percentages of Manila, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. They held face to face then made it through mobile smartphones so they can get the views at the interviewee's convenience. 

TV5 President and CEO Emmanuel Lorenzana said "We at Bilang Pilipino and TV5 are committed to seeing more Filipinos being deeply involved in choosing our leaders in this coming May 2016 polls. The happiest network in the country is dedicating our efforts to also cater to the Millenials who are voting for the first time. This is our modest contribution to the Filipino electorate so they can make better decisions and analysis before the actual day of elections."

This partnership won't be also possible without their partners Starmobile (who provided handsets), Voyager Innovations (for the platform and Smart Communications for providing free and strong connection for this bit.


For more information about their debates:
TV5 Manila
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Visit their official website

Richard Yap aka Sir Chief aka Papa Chen Endorses Senator Ramon "Jun" Magsaysay!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

It's almost election day and I haven't been able to at least fill one of the seats in the Senate. I haven't been able to decide who I'm going to vote for because honestly I don't know their qualifications which is something that I base my vote with. An couple of days ago, I was fortunate enough to have been able to track Richard Yap who plays Sir Chief/ Papa Chen on a press conference. I wondered why initially but I guess with the things that some of the people wearing there it was a Liberal Party gathering. I sat down with my blogger friends and the guy across me looked very familiar. It was Senator Ramon "Jun" Magsaysay Jr. and he was talking to some of my friends over coffee.

The last time I saw Sir Jun was in person was way back in college. It was my graduation and he was the guest speaker. I'm a Computer Engineer and a thinker, he's an Engineer too and we all know he's been quite a good Senator in the past. He's coming back and if my hunch is right he's getting voted by mostly the educated and thinking class. In a world where qualifications matter, that's probably what he's got and what he has to offer.

It was my first time seeing Ogie Diaz too. This time however he wasn't cracking jokes. He was serious and taking it to the next level. He was introducing the Senator and I couldn't agree more about what he had to say about him. A proven track record, no anomalies, no unscrupulous people who are associated with him, and he's done a good job in the past. That's Senator Jun Magsaysay for him.

Then he introduced good looking Richard Yap aka Papa Chen aka Sir Chief.

Don't worry, I said that too my self. I mean why in the world would someone like Sir Chief get involved in politics? Why would he endorse a politician of all people? Well for starters and for the public to know, Sir Chief made it known that he wasn't paid to do this. This is pro bono. Sir Jun Magsaysay says; Richard Yap is like a nephew to him and he has called him hijo for what its worth.

Sir Chief believes in Senator Jun. He's also glad that he's into caring for kids which is one of his passions. For some of you that don't know, Richard Yap has done charity work in his spare time. If someone believes in the charities that he also does, then that for him is the perfect person to vote for. It's not a secret now and he believes in a good man like Senator Jun Magsaysay.

People should realize how important this election is for the future of our children. Each time you get someone on the Senate seat wrongly, the country suffers and with that... so does the hopes and dreams of millions of Filipinos. I think I made my mind who's going on top of my list in this election after seeing what he wants to do for the country. It's quite simple actually but its got so many things involved in it. The responsibility of getting your vote counted starts on the election day itself. Without it, I don't think you would have the right to complain about public service. You have the chance to change the country's future on just exercising your right this Monday. Make sure you choose the right guy. It'll be all worth it! If Sir Chief believes in Sir Jun Magsaysay, who in the right mind say that you shouldn't too!
