Showing posts with label Employees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employees. Show all posts

RedDoorz is Hygiene Pass Certified

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I just got off the event of RedDoorz as they just announced that most of their properties are officially certified by Hygiene Pass, the new clean promise for Filipino travelers. It was attended by Miguel Capistrano III the RedDoorz Philippines Country Manager, Dr. Renzo Guinto their Hygiene Pass Public Health Consultant and Kean Cipriano, an actor, musician, songwriter, and RedDoorz Hygiene Pass Advocate.

RedDoorz has been in the Philippines since 2018 and with standardized service guarantees in the whole of Asia, they provide really affordable stays in hotels, homes, with the assurance you get what you pay for. They have amenity kits, air conditioners, 24/7 service, water heater, wifi, TV and mineral water. The Philippines is the second biggest market of RedDoorz next to Singapore who has been doing this for years. Unfortunately now, there has been a deep decline in hotel stays and a slump has been felt during the pandemic. They made sure to study what is happening and found out a few matters to get things back to normal. Hygiene for example should be a priority, and this is how they got Hygiene Pass to certify their properties. This means they follow WHO and DOT protocols and public safety measures. They want to make sure rooms are clean and sanitized, their people are tested, implement the measures for all their renters, and put that the certification so guests are assured to stay safe. With it, they got the Hygiene Pass certified hotels available on the app.  They have worked with Dr. Renzo Guinto as their consultant.

Dr. Renzo Guinto says "This pandemic made us realize how public health is so important. You usually see doctors for curative purposes and not prevention, this is my role and we want to make sure that people go to the hospital when they need to. Now hospitality establishments are now into health, more than ever before. We help train assessors so properties across the country would check these properties and assert if they abide by the rules and standards of the company. Having been a customer of RedDoorz, I personally saw how the standards are implemented in the real world. Hygiene Pass gives a positive signal for travelers, so they get assured and guarantee that the place they are taking refuge has passed standards. Lobbies have thermometers, a safe place in the middle of the pandemic. This means they are not just a hotel business. We want to protect our customers, we want to protect our employees, we do our homework to comply as we continue to deal with the virus. The holidays are meant for reunions, we have to sacrifice a little not to see physically, stay safe at home."

 Mr. Capistrano says "We are very excited to note that since we launched the campaign, our safety is our priority, in terms of the business, all hotels that have it have improved visibility, increase in traffic and demand. More than 10% increase and is still increasing every year. I believe it should always be the priority, with or without the virus. Everyone stays in them so it should be really sanitized."  

Kean Cipriano says "Happy to be here to hangout with you guys, still alive and my family is safe. To be honest, it's really different to do this inside our homes, the pandemic is really hard because of the different landscape. I am optimistic that 2021 will be different and hopefully we can learn from the procedures and things we are implementing in Hygiene Pass. I actually take care of my kids, we don't have help, I take them on trips and at work even for gigs and meetings. When I stayed in a RedDoorz property, I made sure my family is safe, it's like when you stay in one, you'll be familiar with any RedDoorz property. For me, this campaign is just something to be thankful for. We are all paranoid for my kids and myself, I don't go out much but in this time, we can't rely on someone else's honesty and it's all about integrity, a campaign where RedDoorz make sure we're going to be safe is something that is huge especially for me who's a big family man. It really matters, before, it was so different. I go out of my car and spill a bottle or more of alcohol sometimes but we have to look out for each other, this is what Hygiene Pass is, a clean promise and I will have to trust them that they are cleaning the properties not just for me but my whole family. Touring is what I do for a living and it was gone because of this pandemic, so I always have to make sure where I stay is safe, affordable and practical. When you see in social media that you've got a blue check, it's different, because in this case, there is a concern by the brand, you have assurance that even the people who work in the place are safe. This is a good step, this campaign will have a domino effect to other properties so we would be mindful, make sure our people are safe. This will help a lot of people. Happy holidays!"


Now go download the official RedDoorz app and see what properties are listed with the Hygiene Pass, make sure the place you are going to and staying in is a safe place, just look for the Hygiene Pass seal and be assured it's okay because they got it taken cared of.


SM Employees Continue to Reach More Communities

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

There's a saying that goes "If you choose your passion, you never have to work a day in your life!". Those words actually come close to my personal journey. This is also true for some of our friends from SM. You see, they've been doing a lot of things in the shadows and they've won several internal and external awards through their CSR arm SM Cares. I personally witnessed this when they helped a foundation that serves persons that are differently abled, the deaf and mute. They have some really good employees, they also help children, the elderly and less privileged communities.

It's quite nice to see private corporations insert these things on their employee relationships. It gets the ordinary people a chance to help those in need and make them better versions of themselves. Mr. Kevin Bonifacio who is a Resident Engineer of SM City Tarlac says "I really love participating in activities like these with my colleagues. Through the Adopt a Daycare Program of SM, we were able to take time off our busy schedules and participate in a worthwhile program that can make us feel better. It also reminds me of when I was a kid, where the simplest gift and show of concern for someone can already bring me genuine happiness. We also get motivated and get the needed morale boost so we can work efficiently the next day when we go back to the four corners of our office. That to me is priceless!"

Michael Uy, one of SM's Mall Managers says that the experience is quite humbling. Being a volunteer at SM North EDSA’s Brigada Eskwela, he was able to be a part of the team that helped repair damaged classroom furniture and repaint walls of a public school near their area. He adds “It inspires us to work harder. The most fun part is the teamwork that all volunteers had during the whole activity!”. Having a mall in different parts of the Philippines has not only proven to have benefited the economy but bring a different change in the community. They've been doing this for quite some time now and it has really brought out the best in their employees, to have the chance to help a brethren in need. That feeling of volunteerism brings pride, makes the employees be more positive in the office and in turn make them more productive even if it's outside their office. That's about 2,500 of their workforce, and they've never been happier. 

I wish I could do the same in my community. I really appreciate it when they take their time and help other people, we all should do that! 


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