Showing posts with label Filipino Domestic Workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Filipino Domestic Workers. Show all posts

SOCO Reminiscing

Friday, June 11, 2010

I hope you don't find this a little morbid. I do watch a lot of TV shows and I could not imagine how hard it is to have a job in crime scene investigation. If we do not have these experts checking each minute detail of an incident; we would never have solved most of the murders committed in the country. Justice then would not have been served. I do seldom tell people my wishes in life but I once wanted to get morgue jobs to start off my career in crime fighting. I want to dive in something unknown and get really good at scrutinizing body parts if possible. Imagine a crime solved when they all gave up on physical evidence. Imagine hundreds of families thanking you for giving them justice. That is just priceless!

The thing is; I would like to also put up my own funeral parlor one day. I have some friends who are in the business too and I saw how great their lives had become. If you see the caskets and people they help in grieving and how happy they are when you take care of their relatives who passed on. This is lucrative and if given a chance a career switch might not be too bad at all. Any of you guys interested?! Let me know!


Tsip Tsao and his Public Apology

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Just this evening I heard over the radio (while taking a bath) Mr. Tsao went to the consulate in HK and faced the media, Migrante International, the Filipino community and the consuls themselves. He personally apologized and bowed 3 times as a sign of his sincere apology. That was one of the things I was personally waiting for. I can forgive like any normal human would do... but I don't forget. Racism is a huge issue. I hope he learns his history first when the British were treating Chinese lower than dogs, and when they in the 50's and 60's begged to gain entry in the Philippines in hopes of a better life. If I were to start a word war with him, we should start there so he knows where he's coming from. Remember when we were portrayed INDIOS in books and their race was even lower than us? If we were to start racism with that, I'm sure they would not like to hear it at all to begin with.

I am a Filipino of Spanish decent, but I am still a Filipino. We all have an uncertain future. We may have one or more of these things to think about in our lifetime. We maybe on top or way below the poverty line that society dictates. The difference between us though is I'm not hypocritical in saying we all have our own way of saying things... but I'm not going to the path he chose of going overboard and insult a whole generation of impoverished people just because I am where I am. Cast the first stone at me and you bet your sorry A$$ I'll throw you the GRAND CANYON!

My other article about him is here. CLICK THIS


HK Filipino Domestic Workers Asks for Public Apology

Monday, March 30, 2009

They are now asking for a public apology because this so called know it all smelly Hong Kong Chinese journalist called the Philippines a country of servants. It's so funnny that a mongrel who can't even talk straight english would even say that. In a press statement, the group called United Filipinos in Hong Kong condemned and article called "A War at Home ni Chip Tsao" where she was a former reporter for BBC, best selling author of dog books and a columnist for Hongkong Magazine Online a local paper meant for wrapping garbage.

According to the group, it did not only ridiculed and made fun of Filipinos but Tsao insulted the rights of Filipino domestic workers. The chink even looks like a chipmunk.

According to the group, Tsao only gave an unintelligent point of view in favor of giant CHINA which obviously she is kissing ass for with the Spratlys Island issue which the whole region already talked about for cooperation. This was the main purpose of the column but how in the world did this monkey even think about the plight of Filipino Domestic Workers? If I see this person, I'll make good use of the pen and stick it on her brain... since it does not contain that much anyway. Yes he's a she...he's gay too!

United Filipinos in Hong Kong reiterated that it is clear abuse that she did and want her to pay the consequences. I'll be asking my co bloggers to make buzz about this soon. I'll make sure to campaign for it because these chinky eyed dog need to be taught a lesson... and manners.

Aside from the PIG LOOK A LIKE Tsao, a public apology was also asked from the publisher and editor of the HK Magazine Online.


*note: as of 4PM of the same day I wrote this article, the site has bogged down and the article was removed from the site redirecting only to the main page... apparently the PIG has gotten headlines and afraid of the millions of bloggers that will hound him... TO MY CO BLOGGERS, REMEMBER THAT PIG'S FACE OK?
