Showing posts with label Fintech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fintech. Show all posts

GCash Signs MOA with National Bureau of Investigation to Deter Cyber Crime

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Today is a great day for every GCash account holder as a MOA was signed at the Seda Hotel in BGC between GCash and the National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines. This is to further strengthen data privacy and cyber security efforts in the country.

The event was attended by Atty. Maricor Alvarez-Adriano the Chief Legal Officer of GCash, Atty. Gilbert Escoto the Head of G-Xchange, Inc. (GXI) Legal Department, Oscar "Renren" Enrico Reyes Jr. the G-Xchange, Inc. (GXI) Chief Executive Officer  and Atty. Medardo De Lemos the National Director of the NBI.

Mr. Enrico Santos of G-Xchange says "This event underscores the synergy between the private sector and a government agency. Strengthening cyber security is part of this, with over 6 Million merchants, we have been digitizing transactions for everyday Filipinos. Now you don't have to go distances to pay for utilities, and building your earn and trust is our top priority. GCash has been taking efforts to protect user accounts, we want to take it to the next level. Only you can access your GCash account, and only you will have your face to unlock it on our GSafe Tayo campaign. As we continue to advance consumer protection, we continue to partner with government agencies to pursue a safer and more just society. This is why we have NBI here. Thank you and good morning!"

Dir. De Lemos of NBI says "Today we formalize the partnership of both our institutions to mobilize safety in transactions on GCash. Criminal behaviors change, and financial transfers happen in a flick of a button. We used to be traditional investigators, but cyber criminals are out there. We need to do battle quietly, and we need each other, hence this partnership. GCash has data needed for arrest and prosecution, and in the past, we had successful operations with GCash. It was timely and needed for the fight against cyber criminals. We thank you, let's continue to do the critical things we need to do to make sure every Filipino is safe out there."

Users know that the platform is safe, they now also weed out bad actors but it will all fall to capturing them when it happens. This long term partnership makes it possible to initiate when complainants ask for help. So if you get to be a victim of scams, file a police report and submit it to GCash so they could do further steps to suspend and file with authorities when needed.


PH Apps To Survive the Pandemic

Thursday, January 28, 2021

You and I have been stuck at home and probably, you're not going to be able to go out soon. I wish it was easier, to find work, earn a living and still provide food on the table for your family. But for all your online transactions, here's a short list of apps you may need to make it easier living in this pandemic. 


Small business driven and in Taglish, this one caters to the MSME's. Inclusion is good, and saving a little doesn't hurt, this would be a good place to start for small business men/women.

Home Credit

If you need appliances, gadgets, things that could start your business or perhaps make your existing one grow, Home Credit is already visible in different establishments in the country. They also issue credit cards, the first of which isn't a bank. Scan QR instead of swiping for a more secure transaction, minimal requirements, you can get your loans here in a jiffy.


When you're a little non techy and can't get an app installed on your phone, don't worry because EastWest has AI Powered ESTA which you can talk and transact with all in your Facebook Messenger app. Easy to understand, even if you're not FB smart, they made it easier for you to have bank access because, why not?

GCASH and PayMaya

I've been using the two for almost all my digital transactions. Pay for shopping, groceries, medicine, food from restaurants, payment in other apps, they do quite a lot. I also use this for paying bills, services, sending money here and abroad, paying for government dues, and it's quite convenient to have especially this time when we can't go out.

You can survive this pandemic, like most of us, and if you're having trouble, these apps can help you quite well.

Try it out. Things will get better.


Help a friend with PayMaya

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

These days it’s been really hard to move especially when there’s quarantine protocols to follow and the pandemic shows no signs of slowing down. It’s dangerous outside and social distancing has only been the proven way of stopping this, a real bummer huh?!

Now I know most of you have friends and family. Sometimes you feel that they need help, but most of them don’t ask outright because they’re really too shy to do so. I’ve been doing this in my capacity, not that much but I hope in some way or form, it could actually help. If you haven’t used PayMaya all these years, you might want to do that now. The app is pretty handy in sending money to other PayMaya users, and I’ve received payments with it too. Some don’t actually know PayMaya can send to bank accounts via Instapay and Smart Padala agents which is available nationwide. It also has the ability to send money to PeraHub branches (all 3,000+ of them) so even if they don’t have a PayMaya account, they can simply receive it that way. 

The PeraHub branch just needs you to fill out a transaction slip, a valid ID and a small fee for the transaction. Recipients will get a text message which contains the reference number and voila! That’s as easy as that to transfer funds now. What that means is that they can simply go to a PeraHub branch near them to get the funds, to at least get a little help from you. A little something to show you care. 

That’s priceless.