Showing posts with label FrieslandCampina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FrieslandCampina. Show all posts

The New Partnership Of Alaska Milk and FrieslandCampina

Friday, April 11, 2014

We've been sharing the journey of growing up in the Philippines with Alaska. All your soups, main dishes or even your desserts have Alaska in them all these years. It's different, creamy and you know it's made with quality and freshness in mind. A few days ago, a partnership between Alaska and Royal FrieslandCampina has been formed to bring dairy expertise to Filipinos. FrieslandCampina is actually a Dutch dairy cooperative composed of thousands of farmers in the Netherlands. It's roots go back to 1879 and they've been gearing to expand their business for a long time and this move to acquire Alaska in the Philippines was but apt. They have high regards to what Alaska's role play in Filipinos lives. Now, they are bringing even more great products backed with the experience of 130 years!

Tifany Santuyo, a nutrition consultant for Alaska corporation told us a picture of a child's health in the Philippines. Using data from previous years, it only gave us news that wasn't pretty. The incapacity to get the right amount of vitamins and essential nutrients make a huge percent of Filipinos prone to growth stunting and wasting. This also happens in the first 1,000 days of their life, so making sure you get the right amount of nutrition is essential. She also adds how important the Mom's health is and its factors with the nutrition of newborns.

Dr. Anne Schaafsma explained to us the importance of protein and how nutrients can be absorbed by the body. He also took time talking about protein denaturation and how it happens. There are a lot of factors why there are problems in digestion with children and one of the major factors why it happens is glycation. It's when proteins combine with carbohydrates happens, resolving this would just take mild processing which makes it digested better and properly.

FrieslandCampina has been always in the forefront of quality; and together with their owners, they continue to produce milk and it's byproducts without shortcuts. They believe in the Grass to Glass process and with their emphasis on food safety, quality in farming, milking, collecting, processing, packaging and distribution, you are sure that what you are getting on your table is the best there is in the world. 130 years plus Alaska's 40 years in the Philippine market, just spells success in holding the title as the lead milk brand in the country bringing only the best for Filipino families just as they always have in the past years.

Now you know you're getting the best when Alaska is on your table. See? :)


For more information about their product:
Alaska Milk
World Milk Day PH
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