Showing posts with label Gaza Strip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza Strip. Show all posts

Filipinos in Gaza Strip unable to Evacuate

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

This is a building hit by Israeli Planes in Gaza.

There are about 47 Filipinos reported that were unable to evacuate the war stricken Israel – Gaza Strip border, this has been the latest update of the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Malacanang.

Deputy Presidential Spokesman Lorelei Fajardo said that there were about six more Filipinos that were about to flee with the convoy of the Red Crescent through Jordan but they were unable to do so because of the fierce fight between the two factions. Aside from that, Israel was not allowing any unauthorized entries beyond the border of Gaza Strip. It’s sad to know that this has now affected our migrant workers too.
Because of this development, they are forced to stay in the fire lines and await further instructions from Red Cross, Red Crescent and the Philippine Embassy. This is a voluntary evacuation only because most of the Filipinos in the area already have families of their own. I just pray to God they are all safe, and can return home soon. I hope and pray the war will end too.


Israel Pushes Through Gaza

Israeli soldiers look over Gaza, when will this war stop?!! (-_-)"

Israel seized control of high-rise buildings and attacked houses, mosques and smuggling tunnels as it pressed its offensive against the Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers while just today in the news, I heard that the U.S. joined the countries pushing for a cease-fire in the region. Palestinians also say that there are about 540 dead and nearly 2,000 wounded since Israel struck war on Dec. 27, including at least 200 which were said to be civilians.

There are three demands to be met to stop the Israeli operations in that region:

1.) An end to Palestinian attacks
2.) International supervision of any truce and a halt to Hamas rearming.
3.) While Hamas demands a cessation of Israeli attacks and the opening of vital Gaza-Israel cargo crossings, Gaza's main lifeline.

President Bush and the US reiterates Israel is just protecting itself. The situation in Gaza was caused by the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas still is defiant and daring Israel to continue to make this a bloodbath in the streets. Israel is overwhelming everything since they are experts in urban warfare. US is taking a back seat in this case and is watching over the EU to settle this dispute in a major way. Obama is in the sidelines where he should be since he is not yet in power and letting Bush handle these things. What do you think people should do to stop this war? This is just sad. Comment on this please!


The War In Gaza Strip and Israel

Monday, January 05, 2009

Thousands of people suffering from wars, why wouldn't they just STOP!

Okay, so here I go now telling you what I think about the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Some of my fellow bloggers would not probably discuss this on their site because they’re like 1.) Don’t know much about it or 2.) There are other things to worry about that war in this world… I dare now since I’ve been itching to speak about it since I’ve heard it over CNN.

The Gaza Strip, tanks are already going through towns!

I am no war crime expert, but I’ve weighed the pros and cons of this particular war and why it happened. As a background, let me tell you what happened to my Aunt a few months back as she was part of MAJOR HEADLINES. If you are a follower of my blog, you know that my Aunt Milet was kidnapped by armed men from world renowned terrorists/kidnappers Abu Sayyaf. My Aunt was doing preparations to work for an NGO from Malaysia to help the people of Sulu, Tawi Tawi and Basilan. The surrounding areas and provinces included. She however is Christian in a Muslim centrifuged community so she was treated a little differently (I think) in that part of the world. I hated them (Abu Sayyaf) for doing that to the few people who make life better in the southern Philippines because of the fact that there are only a few of them left. How I wish I could just bomb these terrorists so she could be set free because it was just a BIG nightmare for me and my family. We were merely spectators in this case because we knew how dangerous these men were to start with. People were talked to and arrangements were made so she could be released. Yes ladies and gentlemen, she was weak and suffered a horrible ordeal in the treacherous jungles of Mindanao. She was released on a Friday, November 14, 2008 so thank God! Thank Allah for that! (article about it here)

Now, with that horrible experience from terrorists you should wonder what I would feel about this WHOLE WAR between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. First of all, I hate terrorists because of obvious reasons. Hamas has been launching 30-40 rockets into Israel these past few weeks before these whole ruckus began. The Palestinian authority has a few people working with this group and some who only purely work for the people and the government. They say they are a different entity in the beginning but they never denied that some of them are from Hamas. They were all part of the fight before as we all know. If we want to point an accusing finger WHO IS TO BLAME for this war, it’s a HEADLESS chicken and egg hunt! These factions have been fighting since B.C. and A.D and the 21st century for crying out loud! Now it’s blowing out of proportion because you know both sides could not be handled by the so called super powers of the world and the UN.

Palestinian Authorities were blaming Israel for killing women and children…making them hungry and isolating them. Israel on the other hand blamed Hamas for launching an unending barrage of rockets to southern cities so they have ongoing operations and plans to stop Hamas permanently. Israel was looking like sitting ducks there for a while since they did not do anything in earlier attacks of the same nature. Hamas in this case was just doing too much.

Israel had to defend itself and its people from the terrorists. If the Palestinian authorities could not do anything about their own internal arrangements with these groups that some even call heroes at their homes, then Israel had to go fight them back to make sure their people are safe. The same case would be done here; we need to also get rid of our own terrorists to eliminate this problem. When do you think this would stop though? Israel is also hurting civilians but they are treating them as “needed casualties” for their own concerns. Who is right or wrong in this case? Who is to blame for the hundreds and thousands of people dying and suffering? Something has got to be done because it is just not enough to ask them to stop fighting. You need to weigh both sides before you can put an end to this. First, Palestinian Authorities must take control of their own territory and Hamas. Police their own borders first and stop whatever radical Hamas militants are doing to hurt people in Israel. Then Israel, after making sure that Hamas would stop what they are doing, should also stop their military offensive. They already have their own marked territories, the only thing both sides should do is work the land they are in and get on improving the lives of their people. Israel is getting alienated in that part of the world not just because they are “Christians and Jewish people” but because they are Israelis. Look at the countries around them… they are all super powers too if you ask me. This is just unending, what do you think both sides should do to stop this war and keep it from escalating? Comments are welcome! So go ahead and click the comment box! This is just my opinion, I need to hear what you think.
