Showing posts with label Googly gooeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Googly gooeys. Show all posts

Blogopolis Into The Wild: Creating A Compelling Blog by Googly Gooeys

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I haven't seen their blog honestly but I must say I am impressed with blog tandem Googly Gooeys. Their readership actually spans 50% worldwide and they are showing us how to pitch our blogs to advertisers. Making social media kits is a start. 

Analytics and statistics is important. Now they have a picture of who reads their blog. Things like these can be offered to your advertisers. They create cute posts that are quite engaging, interaction is key too aside from the usual content. 

Cult blogs are not that big but if you get exposed with that as well, then its genius!  You have to build your brand in a way where they will also follow you in social media. When you have posts in Facebook you have to also consider interactions. If it gets shared, liked and how many individuals have seen it says the Googley Gooeys authors.

Your media kit show your style and point of view so the advertisers understand your blog. Bank on your blog and always make it unique. 

I'll probably work on mine hehe :)