Showing posts with label Gov. Rod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gov. Rod. Show all posts

OPRAH for Senator of Illinois

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He said he knew Oprah wouldn't accept it!

It's quite surprising that this came in the news today. I just watched the Oprah show and the "valentine" episode (obviously a re run of some other year) and was kinda smiling about some of the surprises she's been giving the guests, one of which was an appearance by Patty La Belle and giving away a Red Volkswagen Beetle... it was cute but what puzzled me was this statement by the ill fated Gov. Rod Blagojevich that she ought to be the Senator of Illinois.... yeah you heard it, she could have been Senator Oprah Winfrey. ^_^

She helped a lot in the recent election obviously because she campaigned for the one and only US President Obama... well I bet yah she could not have accepted the senate seat... that's just too low profile hahaha... She could run for President for crying out loud... that's just too obvious... but really, politics is just going to tarnish her career and name. One of which she's probably taking care of in the years she's been in the business.
