Showing posts with label Green Archers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Archers. Show all posts

Butterfly Award O_O

Monday, September 29, 2008

I got my tag from Mom and Clothes, thank you so much!, love this tag :).

The rules of accepting are as follows:

1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

In this time I'd like to tag for my best online friends:
1. Enday
2. buangcla
3. green
4. Nanang
5. MiriMiri'sBlog
7. Indonesian People

I select these bloggers for their continued commitment to blogging freedom! Check out their sites why, I'm sure you'll agree with me!


UE Red Warriors loses to De La Salle Green Archers 70-61 ^_^

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another scratch was given to the Warrior's armor today at the Araneta Coliseum after De La Salle University bounced back from a loss last Saturday winning today's game 70-61. I am however just a little irritated at some minor quirks here and there but I am not a sore loser so I'm sure to give them a fight next time when UE gets back on their feet. I am still supporting the University of the East Red Warriors and the Red Tribe.

With the battle of the Pumarens that is becoming pure classics these days, I hope younger brother Dindo makes moves this time to get more wins in the second phase of Season 71. The fight for the final four is very very tight. With Ateneo almost sweeping the first half of the season and FEU running up the ranks, this will definitely be unpredictable. I hope to watch more games soon since I think I am no jinx anymore! Watch the warriors clash with other schools and win them all! GO UE! GO RED AND WHITE! GO FIGHT!

UE Red Warriors vs De La Salle Green Archers on Thursday

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Will it be another upset for DLSU or will they stop the UE massacre this Thursday at the big dome?

I'm really so happy about the turnout of UE students, Faculty, employees and Alumnus last July 2 when the UE Red Warriors won the match against favored DLSU to scor an upset this 71st season of UAAP. I hope this Thursday won't be different. We shall paint the court red as the UE Red Tribe supports the players to their quest of doing another trick for this game. We shall all be witness to the rumored antics of Martinez and Arellano this Thursday and how they will deal to La Salle's try to redeem their fate since they never are to familiar with back to back losses.... I hope the presence of Marcy Arellano will be felt tomorrow, it's been a long time journey of awful performance by Marcy. James Martinez on the other hand has been lethal on the 3 point area. Casio made a lot of erros in ball handling, he was I think the one who commited a lot of turnovers last Saturday.DLSU will try to keep in step with their nemesis ADMU Blue Eagles and UE will do this to solidify their position at the 4th spot. I'm absolutely sure that the Warriors would have a hands full against the Archers but definitely they'll fight till the last drop of their blood.