Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Dear Dad,

I miss you a lot, I do.

It’s been a while since I’ve last heard you snore, or was that me? I miss you making fun of yourself with all the Dad jokes you can think of, I miss the times you go with Mom to church, when we eat out and you throw a fit when you don’t like the temperature of the water, or the glass itself.

I miss you try and eat a lot when I am and the times you wake up so late, not eat because you would rather watch Eat Bulaga and Showtime - finish both shows - at the same time. 

I miss you being morbid, at times when I have to tell you NO that’s not gonna happen. I miss every single one of your obnoxious songs, songs you put on repeat til the wee hours of the morning.

I miss you playing Angry Birds Friends and how you manage being number one in the standings, I deleted that app just now because the old iPad is wonky. I miss you every day, I feel a lot guilty when I don’t get to visit you at the columbary every week, or put flowers in your place. The same when going to church, but it reminds me so much of you, so I try to.

Mom just fixed your altar at home and put stuff away because the toys wouldn’t fit anymore in your space downstairs. Too much toys I guess, but it’s all clean now, she still takes care of the house every day.

You being gone is not really fair, I cried so many times but yours was just difficult. I do not even see myself moving on at all, we just don’t, they were right, the pain never really goes away... you just become numb with time. 

I’ll try to take care of Mom the best way I can, we all miss you still. I really do.
