Showing posts with label Heather Morris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heather Morris. Show all posts

PLDT, Smart and Heather Morris for IFLIX

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Meeting Heather Morris

Do you watch Glee? Or are you a Gleek? Well you can say I'm a regular person who watches this show for seasons now. I like the story, I like the music and I like the characters. Now I've seen some of the characters go to the Philippines a few years back, but I didn't know one of the pioneers of the show would eventually come to the Philippines and be a part of IFLIX, the video on demand streaming service provider. Before the event, there was a meet and greet part and we were lucky to have been able to be one of the lucky few to see Heather Morris in the flesh! I was nervous, nervous and happy at the same time!

Heather Morris

Heather Morris

Heather Morris

I love her! Seeing her was surreal. I got a little star struck and we were a little crunched for time during the interview so I think the only thing that made sense was my first one in this video. My apologies for the lighting as there was only one working in the side and it was a little dark there. Anyway that was an unbelievable experience, thanks PLDT, Smart and IFLIX for the experience!

Entertainment Everywhere!

Defining a brand like Smart is of course much like how they made their promise, it's how to live a Smart life! It's about their innovations where you get it anytime anywhere so YOU could live more. It's something that would have to delight your passion, like for people who would like to have better access to content like movies and TV shows, much like their call today of Entertainment Everywhere! 

Photo credits to Smart Life website

PLDT is connecting your home, Smart on the other hand could handle connections outside of it, this is a synergy to get you connected wherever you go so you could get that same Smart life. This is great value because you can get the content that you want, making meaningful creations available to the Filipino public in a very affordable package. As I said in my previous posts, PLDT, Smart and Sun subscribers can get iflix app access for 99 pesos per month. Now imagine watching awesome movies, TV shows from US, Asia and elsewhere where iflix is present. Each account can also get you 5 devices running separately. You can also manage content for each device so if kids are watching, you can take care of that with a few clicks.

Heather MorrisHeather MorrisHeather MorrisHeather MorrisHeather MorrisHeather Morris

People know how to use these innovations, but if it's not affordable then its useless. Aside from that, Full HD streams might not be the best idea yet because most often than not some connections won't be able to quite handle it. This iflix trial that I've been on in the past few days made me realize how convenient it is to stream everywhere I go, like the hotels, events that I cover in a single day. The huge library of movies and TV shows that they have in iflix is hosted in the Philippines. There are also Entertainment bundles if you want to get everything entertainment based plus the basics for 50 pesos in 3 days or 299 for 30 days. You could check out for more details.

PLDT Home also could hook you up with PLDT Fam Cam so you could get one installed in your home for a very low price. You just have to apply for it through PLDT. You don't need complicated wiring too because it runs on wifi so please remember don't break your walls for that okay? Tons of celebrities and people from the industry during the event knew how innovations could make our lives easier and manage it with just a few steps. Everything's online these anyway and these are the most convenient services today! That's just a few of the solutions that they have in their arsenal, and I can't wait to see more soon!


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