Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts

Saludo: A Concert For Heroes at Nuvali

Thursday, December 06, 2012

I love the song Hero by Mariah Carey... "There's a hero, if you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid of what you are. ". When you think about it, anyone can be a hero these days. How? That's easy... I went to Nuvali a few days ago, I got schooled on how an ordinary citizen like you and me could be the HERO we always dream of!

This is SALUDO - A Concert For Heroes. The HERO Foundation in cooperation with Ayala Corporation and NUVALI just had one epic night of giving thanks to those who have helped earn money for those who are left behind by our heroes... the soldiers. They have been fighting local conflicts for ages and when they get injured or couldn't get out of war alive, their families suffer too. This is why they've set up a scholarship fund for the dependents of these soldiers who also deserve to have a better future like you and me.

Who's performing? Well we've got first dibs on that so we saw these gorgeous men from 6CycleMind.

Honestly, I've only seen them perform 5 times and they grew on me. They are spectacular performers!

There's also the gorgeous Iya Villana. I didn't know she did things I've never even dreamed of LOL I'll fill you in on that later!

They all support HERO FOUNDATION INC. which can be found at There are several ways you can support them but with any amount you can actually donate it with them and make yourself a useful part of society... and even now a full pledged HERO! How? Each amount you send them would actually go to the scholarship of these kids who need it to spend for their education. They need to eat, they need to sleep somewhere so the costs of living are really high in any part of the country. They would be able to help these sons and daughters of soldiers and have them be part of the program so they would be better members of this society. Maybe later on they can become soldiers too. They have been overwhelmed about response overseas but really they need more help so they can send more kids to school. It's difficult to define a hero, but without the need to sacrifice it pretty much says something about you becoming a hero for these kids too. That easy!

Some of their board members and executives were present and said a few words explaining the cause. They also got the kids in the concert. Quite an admirable job they are doing for these orphans/beneficiaries.

The kids know how much your help means to them. They thanked the crowd quite beautifully we almost cried.

Governor ER Ejercito also graced the program. Then after that they gave him a symbolic pin for the help he's been extending to the cause.

This is really a very noble cause. So if you would like to help just head on to their site and there are tons of ways to help. You just have to.

Then after that, we were treated with 6CycleMind's music!

What a way to thank people for helping these kids go to school. These guys as I said are awesome performers. I love them!

Since they were almost all singers, Iya wanted to up the ante and got to do this awesome dance number. Yes ladies and gentlemen, she was in the air!

Now I didn't know Iya could do this. It was awesome I thought we were watching something from an international circus!

Then we also had our ears treated to some great music from the one and only NINA!

I'm so glad we live in this country where worldclass talents just flourish from every corner. Nina is just awesome! She sang a lot from her unplugged album. We were all so mezmerized!

Then one of my rock gods just appeared!

It was one awesome night. It was one awesome cause. I'm sure if we do our part to help these kids in some small way we can, it'll go a long way. So please, if you can contribute anything it'll be these kids that would benefit from it.

Bamboo said it was indeed an honor to perform in front of these kids and their families. He said it was doubly nice to know that he was able to help in a way that he can. He's also so nice to talk to. He's going to take a break for a while to spend more time with his family and friends. He's also writing more songs so we can expect a lot from him soon. Thank you Bamboo for letting us talk to you on this occasion. Now all we have to do now is find a way to help the HERO FOUNDATION INC. help some kids get their scholarships. When they graduate, we'll have a grand time realizing that we were part of their struggle... we were there to help and be their heroes.

Please help if you can

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2011 Goodyear Highway Heroes!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

After the overwhelming success of the awards ceremonies last year, this is another one to honor those outstanding men and women who have exceptionally gone the extra mile to help someone who is in need. They maybe ordinary people but Goodyear identifies these heroes who made remarkable achievements in their own right. They call it aptly GOODYEAR BAYANI NG KALSADA. We were so eager to be part of this momentous occasion! True enough... we were impressed about what we saw in the videos before the actual awarding ceremonies. Here are the highlights!

Esteemed journalist and broadcaster Cito Beltran hosted the show. I adore his impeccable command of the Filipino language! He was so alive and animated in person! It was an honor to see him there!

Goodyear Philippines Managing Director Gerry Alava opens the awards ceremonies and talked about the importance of recognizing these good souls. Goodyear has always been pro active in nation building and will continue to hold these yearly with the support of private corporations and government offices.

Secretary Alberto Suansing (current chairman) has continued to support this cause. Road safety is one particular aspect in his line of work that he truly believes in. He has been with them for a couple of years now.

Serenading us and the awardees was this young lady. She sang "Follow Your Road" flawlessly and probably a note higher. Quite impressive.

It was really a tough job for the judges to choose who would actually receive the awards for the best heroes in Luzon, Vizayas, Mindanao and NCR... let alone the Grand Champion too. Everyone really deserved one and these guys from different corporations did it.

David Montenegro who hailed from Cavite rushed a man to the hospital after he found him unconscious inside a jeepney while bystanders just shrugged him off.

Herdy Bandillon from Bohol got his fellow motorist to the hospital after getting held up and stabbed multiple times. Pretty remarkable.

Mr. Esmeraldo Magandam of Davao found a girl trying desperately to rush her Aunt to the hospital. She suffered a stroke and he got her there in the nick of time.

Richard Paragas of Caloocan City cried when he came up the stage. He never knew something like this would get him recognized because he thought he just did the right thing any man would do in that situation. Imagine how he took three victims of a vehicular accident along the North Express Way to the MCU hospital in Monumento. He even came back to see if the last one was still alive by the request of the mother who was also in the accident; unfortunately the daughter was really underneath the van and passed away on the spot.

Romualdo Ariestotle, a driver from Cavite City heard gunshots fired at the back of their terminal. He saw the sedan with bullet holes and all. Everyone else ran for their lives and just left the poor unidentified Mother and child inside but he went in and got them to the hospital. He never left and took care of logistics until their relatives came to make sure they are safe.

Five individuals, five heroes. These motorists tried their best to help in different situations and sometimes endanger themselves but they didn't mind that at all. Their stories are all truly inspiring! They still wanted to help despite their personal/economic conditions. This is one trait that is truly remarkable amongst Filipinos... the inner good that is instilled with us comes out in times like these. I remember Cito Beltran mentioned; "If we recognize and emulate them all... pretty soon we shall be a whole nation of heroes!" VERY TRUE! So to the new heroes, congratulations!

Now the question is, would you do the same for your fellow Filipino?! :)


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Bayani ng Kalsada
