Showing posts with label Hygiene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hygiene. Show all posts

Lifebuoy + PH Red Cross Celebrates World Handwashing Month

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Have you already washed your hands before reading this article? Well you should! It's World Handwashing Month and proper hygiene should be automatic.  Aside from that, wearing a mask and sanitizing your work space should not be just lip service, but a thing that you should do on a regular basis especially since there's still COVID-19 out there with all its variants.

Ann Esteves the Unilever Philippines Personal Care Business Lead says "We have been working together with the Philippine Red Cross since last year for pandemic response and done remarkable studies about handwashing educational materials through kits we provide in vaccination centers, labs, isolation facilities and testing centers". She adds "This is the time of face to face classes and we want them to be in a safe learning environment. We are empowering not just the students, but teachers as well."

 October 15 marks the Global Handwashing Day and this initiative by both Lifebuoy and the Philippine Red Cross is to make sure students have access to the best information about hygiene practices and educational materials for it. In their campaign, students from over 50 schools were challenged to  #DoTheLifebuoy and it has been very successful in Manila, Rizal, Cavite, Baguio, Nueva Ecija, Albay, Palawan and other cities and provinces too.

Former Senator and Philippine Red Cross Chairman/CEO Richard Gordon says "It's a must to teach proper hygeine in schools, tons of diseases come from dirty hands and improper hygeine. We need to improve the cleanliness in schools, right where they're teaching kids the essentials. We hope this reaches a lot of people and start practicing as early as now." 

To know more about this, visit Lifebuoy and the Philippine Red Cross Facebook page as they've got more information about it. Let no one be left behind!


PHILUSA Corporation: Caring for Filipino Families for 65 Years

Saturday, October 15, 2022


One of the most recognized household companies in the country is celebrating their 65th year. From consumer goods and pharmaceutical products, they have been able to establish iconic brands such as RHEA, Babyflo, Cleene, Mediplast, Albatross, Apollo and a multitude of other products worldwide. It's homegrown and has been a part of Fillipino lives when it comes to hygiene, health, and recently has launched their "Katuwang ng Tahanang Pilipino" campaign. As the term implies, they are supporting communities like Luwalhati Maynila in Marikina City. It's a home for the aged providing shelter for over 400 senior citizens of which they helped to get kitchen equipment, groceries, household products hygiene kits, med kits and a lot more. Their recent activity was led by the PHILUSA Family Council and bids this as a meaningful way of bringing impact to through their social efforts and initiatives.

They have been helping different sectors over the years and encouracge volunteerism in the company. They will be your partner in health, wellness and environmental actions (for sustainability). They will continue to do these especially the hygiene related activations to make sure Filipinos get educated about matters concerning health. If you want to be part of their movement, just go to Philusa Corporation's social channels and their website
 It's time to walk the talk.


PIOLO PASCUAL Continues Beautéderm Ties with KOREiSU Oral Care Line

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Piolo Pascual has always been the quintessential man to go to if you want a brand to be endorsed. It was a few years back when Beautéderm CEO and President Rhea Anicoche-Tan wished for him to be the face of BEAU, which is a soap with the benefits of Activated Charcoal and part of the Spruce & Dash line of products for men. She knew he was the perfect fit for the brand (to be the first male endorser) and worked hard to make that come true. 

After successfully working with him in recent years, the business has grown exponentially and knew renewing ties with the good looking Filipino singer, model, producer, film and TV actor was the right thing to do. This time, he's introducing the Beautéderm KOREiSU line of oral health products. To put it lightly, he entered the room and had the ladies put on smiles automatically.


Ms. Rhea says "Piolo is on a different league as an endorser. He's the kind that you can say is "Totally Worth It" because we didn't have to remind him during our campaigns when working with him with the BEAU products on social media. He even over delivers and does production for his posts. He's part of the success of the Beautéderm family and when you get the message across your platforms, we can help a lot of other people. I just came back from Ilocos where we had 35 new scholars at the University of Northern Philippines in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. We are also here to celebrate Piolo and Beautéderm as we have not been able to mount an event for him when we signed him three years ago due to pandemic restrictions. He's the most trusted man in the industry, very professional, very down to earth and you can feel the goodness in his heart; and we are so honored to have him in Beautéderm."


Piolo says "The ever growing family of Beautéderm deserves much thanksgiving, being their brand ambassador, KOREiSU Family Toothpaste and KOREiSU Whitening Toothpaste brings me my happy, bright and white smile. I'd like to thank Ms. Rhea for the blessing to be part of the Beautéderm family, and for the love you've given us (my peers in the industry). Let's beautify the world one healthy smile at a time!"

Here are highlights from the event on video, enjoy!

Here are some little stories that Ms. Rhea Tan shared to the media about how her experience was working with Piolo Pascual (which she says was very patient and didn't have any out of this world demands). He's charming and very humble. Aside from that, Piolo also talked about his son Inigo who's having a huge career in the US as he becomes part of a Hollywood project. A proud Dad!

As of today, the Beautéderm ambassadors amount to over 80 movie, TV and social media stars. Piolo is of course an A list celebrity that is certainly apt to make people know more about KOREiSU and the reasons they trust the brand. Congratulations to the men and women behind Beautéderm and of course, congratulations Mr. Piolo Pascual, thank you for being so nice to us that afternoon! If you want to know more about KOREiSU, make sure you follow their social channels and check out their Shopee store where you can get these products too. 


PS. I suggest you try their other products by purchasing a TRAVEL KIT because it comes with a FREE Delicat Soap and Hydrating Mist to keep yourself fresh. Get it here!